Milan Banerjee
Ganeswara Rath, U.S.A.
Q:- Kindly discuss some views
regarding retrograde and direct Mars.
Ans:- Here I am discussing
something from an old magazine the
article is written by respected H. S.
Oberoi. Retrograde and Direct
Stations:- Every planet, while moving
in its orbit, reaches a position where
from the point of view of an observer
on Earth, it appears to slow down in
its direct motion, becomes stationary
in the sky and then appears to
reverse the direction of its motion in
moving backwards in the sky. We call
this backward movement
'Retrogression' or 'Retrograde Motion'
and the stationary period before
retrogradation is called 'Retrograde
station.' When a planet begins its
retrograde motion, it moves slowly at
first, gathers speed in time, but never
reaches its maximum speed while it
is retrograde. After a period of time,
it begins to slow down again and
finally comes to another stationary
period which we call 'Direct Station'.
When it begins to move now, it
moves forward in the zodiac, slowly
in the beginning, but finally reaching
its maximum speed.
Mars is retrograde once every two
and one-half years for about two and
one-half months. It remains stationary
from 3 to 4 days.
What to Avoid When Mars is
Retrograde. In most general sense
Mars rules activity and the initiation
of action. It exerts an energizing,
exciting and activating influence.
Since the power of Mars increases
considerably when it is retrograde,
therefore, most people feel
uncontrollable urges to start important
ventures when Mars is retrograde. But
at the slights delay, tempers flare up.
Arguments aggravate dissensions,
resentments deepen, dormant
grievances surface easily. There is
an added urge to solve problems by
asserting aggressively. 'Ventures
begun hastily and under such a load
of animosity are usually misguided
and have little chance to succeed'
says Mrs. Barbara H. Waters.
The famous astrologer Manik
Chand Jain, joined hands in a
partnership concern manufacturing
Surgical Cotton (Ruler-Mars) in 1977-
78, when Mars was retrograde; In the
beginning Late Jain was the master
of the situation but events took such
an unforeseen sequence that Jain
shaheb became a helpless spectator
of an aggravating situation. The
venture collapsed in 4-5 months
draining all his bank savings.
The message of retrograde Mars
clear: it is impossible to think clearly
and unemotionally. Nothing can be
accom-plished by activity under a
retrograde Mars. But since it is
retrograde for several months every
other year, it is not always possible
to avoid starting things. However, you
are warned not to. (to be contd...)
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