(The following forecasts are based on janma rasi : Moon sign of the birth(The following forecasts are based on janma rasi : Moon sign of the birth(The following forecasts are based on janma rasi : Moon sign of the birth(The following forecasts are based on janma rasi : Moon sign of the birth(The following forecasts are based on janma rasi : Moon sign of the birth
chart chart chart chart chart and are the results based on the movements of the planets in everyand are the results based on the movements of the planets in everyand are the results based on the movements of the planets in everyand are the results based on the movements of the planets in everyand are the results based on the movements of the planets in every
Month. Those who are running favourable dashas, antar dashas and transitsMonth. Those who are running favourable dashas, antar dashas and transitsMonth. Those who are running favourable dashas, antar dashas and transitsMonth. Those who are running favourable dashas, antar dashas and transitsMonth. Those who are running favourable dashas, antar dashas and transits
they will enjoy maximum favours from all sides, while maximum disfavour arethey will enjoy maximum favours from all sides, while maximum disfavour arethey will enjoy maximum favours from all sides, while maximum disfavour arethey will enjoy maximum favours from all sides, while maximum disfavour arethey will enjoy maximum favours from all sides, while maximum disfavour are
to be enjoyed in case of the above three are otherwise. If dasa is favourableto be enjoyed in case of the above three are otherwise. If dasa is favourableto be enjoyed in case of the above three are otherwise. If dasa is favourableto be enjoyed in case of the above three are otherwise. If dasa is favourableto be enjoyed in case of the above three are otherwise. If dasa is favourable
with unfavourable transit or vice-vewith unfavourable transit or vice-vewith unfavourable transit or vice-vewith unfavourable transit or vice-vewith unfavourable transit or vice-versa mixed results will be experienced.)rsa mixed results will be experienced.)rsa mixed results will be experienced.)rsa mixed results will be experienced.)rsa mixed results will be experienced.)
PLANETARY POSITIONS OF THE MONTH: The Sun will transit in Libra till 16th
then in Scorpio, Mercury in Scorpio being retrograde from 17th, Retrograde Venus
in Libra being direct from 16th, Mars in Capricorn till 6th then in Aquarius, Jupiter
in Scorpio, Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Cancer, Ketu in Capricorn, Retrograde
Uranus in Aries, Retrograde Neptune in Aquarius being direct from 25th and Pluto
in Sagittarius will transit throughout the month.
MESHA (Aries)
Health: More or less health will remain
good except minor gastro-intestinal ail-
ment. Chronic patients may get relief. Heart
patients should be careful in the 2nd half.
Aswini born to suffer physically.
Family: You will enjoy support from all
of your family members. Happy occasions
in the family may be celebrated. Relation-
ship with an old but detached friend will
be revived. Romance will go ahead.
Finance: Good financial prospects are
foreseen. You can reap profits from your
past investments. You will also be able to
clear up your debts. Crop yields and rental
will be moderate. Deposits will increase
and old dues will be recovered. Avoid
speculative transaction in the last two week.
Business and Profession: Your part-
ner's hard labour will satisfy you. You will
apply new ideas to expand your business.
This time you will be able to judge the
trends of the market and satisfy your cus-
tomers. Professionals will also shine well.
Service: A very favourable month for
the service holders. They will be able to
reverse the situation done by some se-
cret enemies and enjoy full support of
the superior authorities. They may also
enjoy extra power and responsibility. This
is the proper time to prove their ability.
Women: Career girls may try for
transfer to their desired place. Housewives
will enjoy the love and affection of their
husband. Changed attitude of your in-laws
will satisfy them. However children's ail-
ment in the 2nd half may worry you.
Students: Result of the last examina-
tion will make you happy. Some the stu-
dents may seek admission in technical
line. Success in entrance examination is
expected. Some of the research schol-
ars may be awarded.
Ghata Days and Tithies: All Sun-
days and 1st, 6th and 11th tithies. Ghata
Chandra:(M&F) From 6.34 P.M. of 20th
to 11.35 P.M. of 22nd. Ghata Lagna:
Mesha. Ghata Nakshatra: Magha.
Health: Sudden illness due to bile &
high B.P. is expected during 1st half. In
the 2nd half eye ailment, cold, cough &
bronchial diseases, gastritis may cause
pain. Rohini born will suffer much.
Family: There may be happy and pleas-
urable movement due to arrival of an old
family friend. New relationship will be estab-
lished. Children may improve in studies.
You will attend social functions of relatives.
Finance: You may launch new
projects plan for the future. During the
2nd half you may purchase some house-
hold articles. Expense may increase on
arrival of family friends. Purchase of ve-
hicle or landed property is indicated.
Speculative transaction in 2nd half is not
advisable. Financial strain may be felt in
last weak. Deposits will be disrupted.
Business and Profession: Some ten-
sion in partnership business will be solved
by a well-wisher. You may divert your
investment in a new project. May be forced
to work hard to keep the business in
order, Professionals may expect better suc-