New Scientist - 29.02.2020

(Ben Green) #1

34 | New Scientist | 29 February 2020

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I HAVE lost track of the number
of alien worlds I have walked on.
That is partly down to playing
No Man’s Sky a few years ago,
a universe designed by an
algorithm that offers 18 quintillion
possible planets to explore, says
its developer. I must have trudged
across a good few hundred. But
infinity gets boring – give me a
well-crafted experience any day
over random permutations.
My latest alien expedition came
in Journey to the Savage Planet. You
play as an employee of Kindred
Aerospace – the fourth best
interstellar exploration company,
its keen CEO tells me in a video
message. Your character has
crash-landed on planet AR-Y 26
and must find their way home.
The game is, in a word, wacky,
and not in a good way. One of the
first things you do after emerging
from your spaceship is to smack
an alien chicken in the face.
Humour is a tricky thing to get
right in video games – after all,
timing is everything in comedy,
and getting a player to fit the
developer’s script often fails – and
it didn’t really work for me here.

But once I decided to turn down
the volume and ignore the hit-
and-miss gags, I had a great time
ambling around its weird world.
AR-Y 26 is presented as a
pristine alien realm, but it quickly
becomes clear someone has been
here before you, and the game’s
plot involves solving that mystery
as well as finding a way home.

As in No Man’s Sky, you must
gather elements such as carbon
and silicon from the environment
to upgrade your equipment.
The game also borrows liberally
from the exploration titles of
the Metroid series, most notably
Metroid Prime. That classic sees
you playing as bounty hunter
Samus Aran, gradually acquiring
upgrades to her spacesuit that
allow you to access new areas
of the planets she explores.
The genius of the Metroid series

Walking on another world There’s nothing like crash-landing on an alien
planet, especially a carefully crafted world containing a big mystery to solve.
Just watch out for the chicken, says Jacob Aron

“ Infinity gets boring –
give me a well-crafted
experience any day
over an algorithm’s
random permutations”

Journey to the
Savage Planet
Typhoon Studios
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Jacob also

Metroid Prime
Retro Studios
Enjoy on Nintendo Wii
or Nintendo GameCube.

No Man’s Sky
Hello Games
Play on PC, PlayStation 4
or Xbox One.

is that obstacles early in the game
become a cakewalk as you upgrade
your character’s abilities and
equipment – a once impassable
chasm is no match for a double
jump and impenetrable walls fall
easily to a newly acquired missile
launcher. It is a great feeling to
charge through an earlier part of
the game world, having previously
spent hours painstakingly going
the long way round.
Savage Planet does the same
thing, but its best upgrades are
only unlocked by doing so-called
science experiments. These are
tasks that can theoretically be
performed at any time, such as
scanning the various alien flora
and fauna (another facet of the
gameplay with echoes of Metroid)
or taking samples from specific
creatures (basically hitting them
with a sciencey-looking stick).
Sadly, I found many of them
too fiddly to bother with because
they required you to take the time
to line up creatures in the same
location to blast them with a
specific weapon. I guess this was
an attempt to improve on the
Metroid formula, but it is hard to
mess with a classic successfully.
Despite these shortcomings,
I enjoyed navigating AR-Y 26,
particularly once I got hold of a
grappling hook upgrade that could
send me whizzing across the skies
at high speeds. But I couldn’t help
harking back to the days of playing
Metroid Prime on my trusty
Nintendo GameCube console. If
you have never had the pleasure,
rumours suggest an upgraded
version of the original game
will be released for the Nintendo
Switch later this year, ahead of
a new sequel. That’s another
expedition to add to my list... ❚


On planet AR-Y 26,
players encounter lots
of alien flora and fauna

The games column

Jacob Aron is New Scientist’s
deputy news editor. He has
been playing video games
for 25 years, but still isn’t
very good at them. Follow
him on Twitter @jjaron
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