New Scientist - 29.02.2020

(Ben Green) #1

46 | New Scientist | 29 February 2020

The most basic definition
of an antimatter particle is
that it is the same as a matter
particle, except that it has
the opposite charge. So the
familiar electron, for example,
with a negative charge -1,
has an antimatter equivalent
called a positron that has a
charge of +1.
A complicating factor
is that “charge” doesn’t
just mean the familiar,
everyday electric charge.
Three fundamental forces
are covered by particle
physicists’ standard model:
electromagnetism, and the
strong and weak nuclear
forces, which govern the
interactions of the quarks
within protons and neutrons
and processes such as

radioactive beta decay,
respectively. Each of
these forces has a charge
associated with it, and
antimatter particles have
opposite values for these
charges, too.
Not every particle has
an antimatter equivalent,
either. Particles called
bosons transmit influences
rather than respond to
them, and these tend to
be their own antiparticles.
These include photons
and the mass-giving
Higgs boson. And to date,
no one has been able to
establish whether neutrinos,
the most elusive of matter
particles, and their partner
antineutrinos are different,
or the same thing.

What is antimatter?

mysterious entity that makes up most of the
gravitating matter in the universe. The Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN was partly
conceived to make heavy dark-matter particles
in its high-energy collisions. But it has found
diddly-squat besides the Higgs boson, the
mass-giving particle discovered in 2012.
The machine is currently on sabbatical until
2021, undergoing an upgrade in the number of
collisions it can produce. When it returns, the
precise measurements of rare processes that
LHCb specialises in will offer a chance to solve
the antimatter and dark matter problems –
not by manufacturing new particles, but
by measuring their ghostly influence on
already-known ones.
This is the physics equivalent of reaching up
a hand to have a rummage around on a shelf
you can’t actually see. “With some of these
measurements, we can access mass scales for
hypothetical particles two or three orders of
magnitude beyond the reach of the LHC for
producing them directly,” says Gersabeck.
“It’s a very, very powerful search tool to cover
a huge lot of ground.”
The hope is that these heavier particles could
be sources of CP violation, in effect repeating
the trick that solved the kaon problem. But
there is no guarantee. “We’ve got a few hints
here or there of things that might be going
on, but nothing firm,” says Gersabeck.
A few kilometres due west of LHCb,
Malbrunot, Hangst and others are betting on
a different approach. Rather than searching
for new physics at very high energies, says
Hangst, “we decide to look really carefully
at things we think we understand, and see
if maybe we’ve overlooked something”.
Hidden down a side road on CERN’s main
site, Building 393 seems an implausible
portal to a parallel world of matter. Its grey,
corrugated metal walls, roll-up lorry delivery
bay and asphalt car park surroundings give it
a shabby late 20th-century industrial estate
chic. Only a sign above the entrance saying
“ANTIMATTER FACTORY” gives the game away.
It expresses an aspiration only now
becoming reality: to solve the antimatter
mystery by making large quantities of whole
anti-atoms. All the differences between matter
and antimatter come about because they
have opposite charges, so the idea is to cancel
those differences by taking oppositely charged
antimatter particles and making neutral atoms
out of them. An atom of antihydrogen, the
simplest imaginable anti-atom, should work
exactly like a conventional hydrogen atom.
If it doesn’t, nature’s most profound
symmetry is broken: CPT symmetry. This adds

antimatter different? Are some types of
antimatter more different than others, and
why should this be? Are there other types of
antimatter, corresponding to new types of
matter we haven’t discovered yet?” asks Tara
Shears at the University of Liverpool, UK, and
LHCb. Answering those questions is the key to
working out why we are here now.
Theorists later found that CP violation among
kaons could be explained if three heavier,
unknown particles were disrupting them. All
three of these particles have since been found –
the bottom, charm and top quarks – and their
presence, along with CP violation, is now a
mainstay of the standard model.
Those particles also provide new sources of
CP violation. In the intervening half-century,
we have measured all the main predicted
sources, with LHCb measuring the last, among
charm quarks, just last year. “Now the whole
thing looks completely understood, and all is
well,” says Gersabeck.
There is just one teensy problem. Patterns
in the cosmic microwave background, the
leftover radiation from the big bang, combined
with calculations of the number of galaxies that
must exist, tell us the early matter-antimatter

imbalance we need to explain today’s matter
domination. It is tiny – about one part in a
billion. But the CP violation we have found so
far doesn’t account even for a billionth of that.

Wishful thinking
Perhaps there are unknown sources of
CP violation. In 2017, the LHCb experiment
saw an unexpected hint of the effect among
heavier versions of protons and neutrons.
If the elusive particles known as neutrinos are
their own antiparticles, that would also allow
extremely rare processes to supply an extra
source of asymmetry.
But to expect such small, unconfirmed
effects to account for the current huge
mismatch seems like wishful thinking. Here
the antimatter problem meets a wider malaise
in fundamental physics. “At the moment, we’re
at quite a curious place because we’ve found
all the particles of the standard model and
it looks like the standard model can explain
everything, including CP violation,” says
Gersabeck. “But at the same time, we know
it’s not right and there is other stuff out there.”
Stuff like dark matter, for example, the
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