48 | New Scientist | 29 February 2020
Richard Webb is executive
editor of New Scientist
Antimatter exists in our
world – you just have to
be very alert to spot it.
Everyday antimatter
generally takes the form of
antimatter electrons, known
as positrons, produced in
radioactive beta decays. These
positrons lead transient lives
before annihilating with the
first electron they encounter,
producing energy in the form
of gamma rays.
Like the occasional
breaking of the most delicate
of winds, we all emit the
occasional positron, thanks
largely to traces of radioactive
potassium-40 in our tissues.
A medium-sized banana
produces one maybe every
75 minutes. A bag of Brazil
nuts, or a worktop or bedrock
made of granite, ups the ante
None of this is a danger
to us. The energy released by
each annihilation amounts to
precisely two electron masses,
or 1.022 megaelectronvolts –
in the standard units of very
small energies, considerably
less than one millionth of the
energy of a flying mosquito.
It follows that technologies
to propel humanity further,
such as antimatter drives or
rockets, or blow us to kingdom
come, such as antimatter
bombs, aren’t exactly
immediate prospects.
The total energy of stable
antimatter contained so far
over decades of experiments
isn’t enough even to boil the
water for a cup of tea. Plus,
you would need a vessel a
couple of hundred metres
across to hold it in place.
So what is antimatter
good for? That is one of
the favourite questions of
Tara Shears at CERN’s LHCb
experiment. “Antimatter is
really esoteric, isn’t it?” she
says. “You probably don’t
expect antimatter to help
diagnose cancer or help with
heart problems, or have any
practical benefit at all – but
it does.” Positrons make up
the P in a PET scan, which
stands for positron emission
tomography. Here the
annihilation emissions of
positrons in the radioactive
tracer you swallow can
illuminate all sorts of potential
internal nasties. “That’s really
useful,” says Shears.
Everyday antimatter
how antimatter responds to gravity, we need
anti-atoms to be electrically neutral. As soon as
Hangst and his team made their antihydrogen-
trapping breakthrough in 2018, they activated
plans to essentially tip their horizontal
trapping apparatus at right angles to function
as a gravity detector, dubbed ALPHA-G. “I’ve
worked harder during that stretch in my life
than any other time,” says Hangst. “We started
in May and worked seven-day weeks until the
middle of November.” But at that point, with
just a couple of weeks more needed to make
their first measurements, the valve supplying
the antiprotons was turned off. “It was so
frustrating, you have no idea.”
Hangst isn’t the only one gagging for the
antiprotons to come back on stream, due for
early 2021. Another detector that Malbrunot
is working on, AEGIS, and a third experiment,
GBAR, are also gearing up to confirm whether
antimatter falls up or down, and also answer
the much more fiddly question of whether
matter and antimatter feel the same strength
of gravitational force.
Any deviation from expectations would
have huge repercussions. Hajduković has
shown how the existence of two opposing
gravitational charges would allow the
quantum vacuum itself to become a source of
attractive and repulsive gravitational effects.
That might account for both why there seems
to be a lot of gravitating stuff out there that we
can’t see – dark matter – and a mysterious force
that seems to be speeding up the expansion
of empty space, which we call dark energy.
Black holes sucking in matter could then
also be white holes spewing out antimatter.
Hajduković says the possible new source
of antimatter could explain strange
excesses of high-energy positrons and
antiprotons observed in cosmic rays, as well
as very-high-energy neutrinos seen coming
from our galaxy’s centre by the IceCube
detector in Antarctica back in 2014.
Existence of two opposing gravitational
poles might even lend weight to the idea
that the big bang wasn’t a beginning, but
the latest in a series of cycling matter and
antimatter universes. “Antimatter gravity
experiments might be much more than a
measurement of the gravitational acceleration
of antimatter,” says Hajduković. “They might
open a window towards a new physics and
a new model of the universe.”
Or perhaps not. When the upgraded LHC
and ELENA machines switch on next year,
their antimatter investigations could bring
a radical new understanding of how our
universe works, and how we come to be in it.
Or it could be, well, an anti-moment, one that
sends us back to the drawing board in our
quest to make sense of reality.
Hangst is philosophical. “In one direction,
you win the Nobel prize, in the other, people
say, ‘OK, well, we told you so’,” says Hangst.
“These are very challenging experiments,
and it’s rewarding to succeed no matter
what answer you get.” ❚
“ If it turns out that
antimatter falls
up, everything
we know about
the universe
would be to
play for”