2020-04-01 TechLife

(singke) #1

Verify your username is selected
from the list (assuming it’s not the
only one there) and then untick
the ‘Users must enter a user name
and password to use this
computer’. Click Apply, enter your
Windows password twice when
prompted, and click OK. Reboot
and you’ll no longer need to log
into Windows. Note, you’ll still be
prompted for it at certain points,
such as when waking Windows
from sleep (disable this by
choosing Never under ‘Require
’ via ‘Settings > Accounts >
Alex Cox

Has my password been
I’ve switched to using random
passwords in conjunction with the
Bitwarden password manager.
How can I tell if my master
password is a safe one?
Julie Bracken

Our step-by-step guide reveals
authentication (2FA) on Bitwarden
for additional protection against
breaches, then shows where to go
been compromised.

Log into https://vault.
bitwarden.com and navigate to
‘Settings > Two-Step Login’. Click
Manage next to ‘Authenticator
secondary challenge when
logging into your accounts for
greater protection.
To check if a password is
compromised, go to https://

  • check the lock in the Address
    bar to verify it’s not been hacked,
    then enter your password and
    click the pwned? Button to check.
    If your password has been
    compromised, you’ll need to log
    back into the Bitwarden vault and
    this time navigate to ‘Settings >
    Account’. Tick ‘Also rotate my
    account’s encryption key’ (make a
    note of the warning) for
    maximum security.
    It’s also worth visiting https://
    haveibeenpwned.com as well as
    other reputable sites like https://
    XZYT_Z]ʭ]PQZcNZX to enter your
    email address to see if that’s been
    involved in any potential hacking
    or data breaches.
    Nick Peers

You can still
boot straight to
the desktop in
Windows 10.

com compares
your login details
to the latest
databases of
user data.
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