The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

(lu) #1

  1. On the book itself, see Khoury, “Geschichte oder Fiktion.” This book itself
    draws on many earlier traditions, many of them biblical, and draws on the connections
    between Ka‘b and Wahb.

  2. “Nisba Wlad Ham,” in Ibn Hisham et al.,Kita ̄b al-Tija ̄n, 25 – 51. This section
    precedes the large chapter on the kings of Himyar, which begins on p. 51.

  3. Adler,Jewish Travellers, 10.

  4. “Malik Sa‘b Dhu’l Qarnain,” in Ibn Hisham et al.,Kita ̄b al-Tija ̄n, 81 – 93.

  5. Gumilev coins this term in his study of the legendary Prester John. Gumilev,
    Searches, 4 – 6.

  6. For an identification of some of the geographical names in Eldad’s story, see
    Krauss, “New Light.”

  7. Adler,Jewish Travellers, 15.

  8. The Gaons (Geonim), heads of the schools in Babylonia, were the last
    rabbinic figures who enjoyed indisputable authority. They, at least ostensibly,
    guided the entire Jewish world from Babylonia through an immense correspon-
    dence of questions and answers, known as theresponsaliterature. The institution
    of the Gaon collapsed in the eleventh century, butresponsais still the most vital
    element of Jewish legal life.

  9. Adler,Jewish Travellers, 15 , 17.

  10. This section, which later became known asThe Ritual of Eldad ha-Dani,
    was scrutinized by Max Schloessinger in 1908. Schloessinger,Ritual of Eldad ha-Dani,
    9 – 104.

  11. In fact, Christian theological anxiety about this was even stronger since Jesus,
    as we saw in the previous chapter, does command the apostle to preach to the “lost
    sheep of Israel.”

  12. All citations (and a few more) are in Schloessinger,Ritual of Eldad ha-Dani, 1 – 2.

  13. Mishnah, Sanhedrin, 7 : 3.
    44 .Adler,Jewish Travellers, 16 , 17 , 18.

  14. See, for example, Kadir,Columbus, 187 – 192.

  15. Adair,History of the American Indians, 61.

  16. Williams,Hebrewisms of West Africa, 1 – 24.

  17. Adler,Jewish Travellers, 18 – 19 , 20 – 21.

  18. Cited in Corinaldi’s collection of legal rulings,Yahadut Etiopia, 118 (for
    Radbaz), 243 – 254 (for Yosef). A shorter version of the collection in English is in
    Corinaldi,Jewish Identity.

  19. See Kaplan,Beta Israel;Parfitt,Operation Moses.

  20. See Beckingham and Hamilton,Prester John;see also Silverberg,Realm of
    Prester John.

  21. Cited in Silverberg,Realm of Prester John, 7.

  22. Grant,Nestorians.

  23. Gumilev,Searches, 6 – 7.

  24. Bar-Ilan, “Prester John,” 291.

  25. Ullendorff and Beckingham,Hebrew Letters of Prester John, 1.
    57 .Citedin Neubauer, “Where Are the Ten Tribes?” III: 186.

238 NOTES TO PAGES 93 – 102

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