The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. Pakenham,Scramble for Africa, xxii.

  2. On search activity in India and Indochina, see Parfitt,Lost Tribes of Israel,
    115 – 148.

  3. Purchas,Purchas His Pilgrimes( 1625 ), 1204.

  4. Raleigh,Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, 216 – 270 , 290 – 365.

  5. Purchas,Pvrchas his pilgrimage( 1613 ), 336.

  6. Purchas,Purchas His Pilgrimes( 1625 ), 120 – 122. Five years later, the interested
    reader could also consider the completely contradictory position of Giovanni Botero
    ( 1544 – 1617 ), an Italian political thinker who opined that the “Tartar Hordes” in the
    vicinity of the Straits of Anian “issued from those ten tribes of Israel.” Botero,Relations
    of the Most Famous Kingdomes, 505.

  7. Purchas,Purchas His Pilgrimage( 1626 ), 559 – 562.

  8. Montano,Itinerarium Beniamini Tudelensis;Hyde,Igeret Orhot ‘Olam, id est,
    Itinera Mundi.

  9. Churchill,Collection of Voyages, 81.

  10. Lockman,Travels of the Jesuits, 28 – 34.

  11. Rennell,Geography System of Herodotus, 1 : 512 – 535. Rennell’s treatment was
    uniqueinusing logic alongside biblical, ancient, and modern geography to show that
    the ten tribes were exiled sequentially in small groups and assimilated within the
    numerous peoples of Asia.

  12. The text was first published in the nineteenth century by Neubauer. I am using
    here the admirable bilingual annotated edition of David Malkiel, “The Sambatyon.”
    24 .In 1690 , La Croix published hisNouvelle Methode pour Apprendre Facilement la
    Geographie Universelle, and Corneille published hisDictionnaire Universelin 1708 .See
    Malkiel, “The Sambatyon,” 176 nn 70 – 72. At about the same time of Lampronti, the great
    French philosopher Denis Diderot ( 1713 – 1784 ) also included a very short entry on Sam-
    batyon in his famousEncylope ́die. In this entry, Diderot wrote laconically that the “Flueve
    Sabbatique” is “a river that some authors claim exists in Palestine.” It is evident that
    Diderot did not consult Lampronti or other sources. He mentioned only Josephus, Pliny,
    and Dom Augustin Calmet’sCatholic Encyclopedia. See, Diderot, “Sabatique, Le Flueve.”

  13. This corresponds with Ruderman’s discussion of Lampronti; he points out that
    Lampronti did not hesitate to subject his Jewish legal rulings to contemporary science
    even if science contradicted the Talmud. See Ruderman,Jewish Thought, 256 – 272.

  14. Malkiel, “The Sambatyon,” 171.

  15. The original reads as follows:
    Me se con tuto cio paresse strano as alcuno come possono restare occultante le
    predette dieci tribu`dalla vista dei geografi doppo massime le moderne navigationi,
    riflettano di gratia come siasi potuto nascondere per quasi nove secoli nel mezzon
    delle Spagne il territorio de Las Batuec ̧as, nel regno di Leon, tra Salamanca a
    Placentia sino el tiempo del Re Filippo 2 do. (Malkiel, “The Sambatyon,” 170 )
    28 .Mu ̈nchhausen,Mu ̈nchhausen at the Pole, 84.

  16. Southey,Letters from England, 145.

  17. Southey,Selections, 3 : 264.

NOTES TO PAGES 204 – 210 253

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