Living in the Ottoman Realm. Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries

(Grace) #1


Arabian Peninsula, 91, 143, 226
Arabo-Byzantine confrontation, 34, 35
Arabo-Byzantine frontier, 32, 38
Arabs, 13–14, 272, 274–282, 313. See also Saracens
archbishop of Cyprus, 241, 244
army, 64, 86, 87, 110, 129, 177, 178, 215, 235; of
the Balkans, 57; Bayezid’s, 18; Byzantine, 42;
French, 211; Hapsburg, 211, 218; imperial, 211,
213; Janissary, 17, 55, 210; Mahmud Pasha’s, 64;
officers in, 172; Ottoman, 9, 11, 60, 116, 214; Se-
lim’s, 115; Timur’s, 68
Âsafnâme (Lütfi Pasha), 173
Asia: Asia Minor, 7, 29, 301, 302; Central, 17, 83,
106; communication of, with Europe and Af-
rica, 10, 137; empires in, 226; nations in, 281;
ruler of, 46; South, 143, 147; travel to and
from, 158
Aşıkpaşazade, 62, 72–73
askeri, 56
aspers, 176, 228
Athens, 14, 293, 297–298, 300–303, 306, 307–308
Austria, 176, 178, 211–214, 294
Averroës (Ibn Rushd), 274, 277
Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 274, 277–278, 281
Avrupa Risalesi (Mustafa Sami), 274
ɇawasim, 32, 34
Ayyubid dynasty, 113, 126, 130
Aziz Mehmed Efendi, 196. See also Sabbatai

Badoer, Giacomo, 45
Baghdad, 29, 34, 111, 116, 275, 313, 315
balascio, 47
Balkan Wars, 256, 299, 307
Barbaro, Niccolò, 42
Battal Gazi, 34
Battalname, 7, 30–32, 34–39, 214
Bayezid I, 17, 45, 67, 75, 96, 97
Bayezid II, 18, 56, 66–67, 71, 82, 88–89, 91, 96, 100
Bayramiye order, 82
beards, 219, 221
Bedouins, 129–130, 132, 235, 314
Behçetüttevarih (Şü k r u l la h), 70. See also Şük-
Belgrade, 87, 150
Benin, Filippo, 187
Beshir Agha, el-Hajj, 231–234, 237
Beşiktaş, 157–158, 239
Beşir Fuad, 277
beylerbeyi, 56, 60
beylerbeyilik, 110

Bilad al-Rum, 29
Bire, 109, 111
Birkat al-Fil, 236
Black Sea: as boundary, 1, 82, 302; crossing, 36;
Mustafa’s transfer to, 183; navy in the, 91; re-
gion of, 34–35; in song lyrics, 268, 269; and
Spinola family, 46
Bogigian, Hagop, 291–294
Bon, Ottaviano, 225
Bonneval, Claude-Alexandre, comte de, 12, 169,
Book of Festivals (Levni), 231–234, 237
Bosnia, 57, 59, 154, 176–177, 209, 211, 213, 218–219,
Bosphorus, 63, 102, 158, 214, 235
Boston Globe, 293
Branković, George, 59
Brankovic, Mara, 69
Broquière, Bertrandon de la, 46
Brubaker, Rogers, 2
Bulgaria, 139, 179, 267–270, 304, 307
Bulgars, 262–265, 267–270
Buondelmonti, Cristoforo, 50–51
Burlion, Santo, 184, 186–189, 192
Busbecq, Ogier de, 154
Byzantine emperors, 7, 32, 42, 44–45, 47, 56, 125
Byzantine Empire, 31–32, 38, 59, 69, 81, 83

Caffa, 46–47
Cahit, Hüseyin, 280–281
Cairo, 97, 111, 228, 233, 235–236; governing of,
154, 159; and the Ottomans, 108, 114, 123
Çandarlı Halil Pasha, 69
Capitulations, 48, 189, 211, 288, 319
Cappadocia, 297–298
Carolidis, Pavlos, 14, 257, 297–308
Casanova, Giacomo, 218
categories: of analysis, 2–4; of practice, 2–3
Caucasus, 95–96, 236, 257
Celalis, 178–179
Cem, 18, 32, 67, 71, 83, 85–86, 88
center-province interactions, 250
Chalkokondyles, Laonikos, 57–58
China, 22, 237, 273
Chios, 45–47, 50, 52
Christ, 42, 216
Christians: Armenian, 286; in the Balkans, 61,
295; European, 219; in European Quarter,
304; ex-Byzantine, 38; Greek-speaking, 264,
285; in Jerusalem, 10, 123, 126, 134, 135; land
ownership by, 320; life as, 183–184, 188, 191;
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