Living in the Ottoman Realm. Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries

(Grace) #1


European imperialism, 2, 13, 255–257
Europeanization, 272
Evliya Çelebi, 110–111, 113–114, 195, 198, 201–202,

Farabi, 277, 281
father-children metaphor, 265–266
fatherland, 261, 265–266
fatwa, 105, 199
Fetret Devri, 68
Filibe, 87, 267
food, 7, 21–25, 134, 139, 174, 222, 244
France, 18, 51, 209–222, 285
Frengistan, 87
frontiers: Arabo-Byzantine, 32, 38; Byzantine,
82–83; Christian, 8, 19, 30, 71, 73, 124; culture
of, 31, 38, 124–125; fortification of, 113; fron-
tiersmen, 38; internal, 133, 135; lore of, 31, 32,
115; Mediterranean, 190; mentality of, 111–113;
Ottoman, 30, 124; political, 189; Roman-
Byzantine, 110; with Rum, 7, 29–38; society of,
30, 31; stabilization of, 132; traditions of, 31, 38;
Turco-Byzantine, 31; warriors of, 32, 124
fuqarâɆ, 23, 25–26

Galata, 8, 19, 48–50. See also Pera
Gallipoli, 17, 57
Gardiki, 58
Garra, Antonio, 47
Garra, Giovanni, 47
Gaza, 123, 196
Gazanfer Agha, 228, 236
gazas, 31, 32, 34–38, 40n11, 150, 158
Gaziantep (Aintab), 111, 113
gazis, 17, 32, 34, 36–37, 62; Battal Gazi, 34
Gebze, 71
Gelibolu, 57. See also Gallipoli
gender: gender roles, 169, 190, 194, 206; and
identity, 4, 6, 11, 169; role of, in nation build-
ing, 256; same-gender sexual acts, 3; separa-
tion by, 262; victims of, 203
Genoa, 42–44, 48, 50, 52
Germanicea, 110
Ghaznavids, 278–279
gifts: from Bogigian, 291; of food, 21–27, 28n5;
between Genoese families and Ottomans, 52;
groom, 182; to Karamani’s daughter, 84; to
Mihrimah, 155; to Mustafa Efendi, 189; to or-
phan girls, 201; of poetry, 68; from Shlomo Yel-
lin, 319; from sultans, 195, 262; to sultans, 45
Giustiniani-Longo, Giovanni, 42

Gladstone, William, 285
Goa, 144
Gozzadini, Aissè (Margherita), 182–183, 186–191
Gozzadini, Catigè (Catterina), 182, 185, 190–191
Gozzadini, Eminè (Anna), 182–183, 185, 188, 190,
191, 192
Gozzadini, Maria, 182–192
Grabar, Oleg, 129
grain, 45, 245, 249
Grand Komnenoi of Trebizond, 60
grand viziers: Çandarlı Halil Pasha, 69; Ibra-
him Pasha, 116, 118, 151, 153–154, 198–199; Kara
Ahmed Pasha, 159; Melek Ahmed Pasha,
199, 202; Rüstem Pasha, 151, 154–156, 158, 164;
Siyavuş Pasha, 202; Sofu Mehmed Pasha, 199
Greece, 14, 18, 57, 261, 285, 298, 301–308
Greeks, 297–307; Greek Orthodox, 14, 58, 126,
257, 288, 294, 298–300, 303–307; Greek Revo-
lution, 261, 297, 300; Phanariots, 249, 284
group mobilization, 268–269

Habashi (Habeshi), 227–228, 230–231, 237. See
also Ethiopia
Hacı Bayram-ı Veli, 87
Hacking, Ian, 3
hadd, 202–203
Hadjianastasis, Marios, 249
Hadjiyannis Ağa, 241
Hadjiyorgakis Kornesios, 12, 169, 239–251
Hafsa, 152–153
hagiographies, 24, 26
Halid Eyüb, Yenişehirlizade, 278
Halveti Sufis (Halvetiye), 79–89, 96, 194–195
Hapsburg, 154, 205, 209–212, 215
harac, 48
Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary), 126, 128, 159
harem: boundaries of, 206; education of women
in, 92; imperial, 151, 197–199; succession strug-
gles within, 205
Harkümbed, 35
Harput, 291, 292
Harşana (Harcenevan), 34–37
Hasan Efendi, 248
Hasan Kafi (Akhisari), 176–177
haseki, 197, 198
Haseki Sultan imaret, 133–134
Hassan Pasha, 182, 191
Hayreddin Pasha, 5–6, 156, 158
Hebrew language, 310, 312, 314–315, 317–319, 321
heirs, 37, 76, 85, 156
Henrotin, Charles, 294
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