Science - 31 January 2020

(Marcin) #1





advanced cancer might also be
useful for cancer prevention.
Uckelmann et al. now provide
support for this concept in a
study of mice genetically predis-
posed to develop acute myeloid
leukemia. Early administration of
an epigenetic therapy that had
previously been shown to have
anticancer activity in advanced
leukemia models was able to
eliminate preleukemia cells and
extend survival of the mice.
— PA K
Science, this issue p. 586

When the most popular
are not the best
Understanding the specificity
and sensitivity of antibodies
is important for interpreting


Pulsar timing detects

frame dragging

Frame dragging is a predicted
phenomenon in general
relativity, whereby a rotating
mass drags the surround-
ing spacetime around with it.
Venkatraman Krishnan et al.
analyzed timing observations
of PSR J1141−6545, a young
pulsar in a binary orbit with
a white dwarf. Modeling the
arrival times of the radio pulses
showed a long-term drift in the
orbital parameters. After con-
sidering possible contributions
to this drift, they concluded that
it is dominated by frame drag-
ging (the Lense-Thirring effect)
of the rapidly spinning white
dwarf. These observations verify
a prediction of general relativity

Dopamine receptor
mosaic in the striatum
Matamales et al.,p. 549

and provide constraints on
the evolutionary history of the
binary system. —KTS
Science, this issue p. 577

African schizophrenia
genetic variants
The genetics of schizophrenia
have predominately been studied
in populations of European
and Asian descent. However,
studies in Africans, who host
the greatest degree of human
genetic diversity, have lagged.
Examining the exomes of more
than 1800 Xhosa individuals
from South Africa, about half of
which have been diagnosed with
schizophrenia, Gulsuner et al.
identified both rare and common
genetic variants associated with

the disease. They found that the
genetic architecture of schizo-
phrenia in Africans generally
reflects that of Europeans but
that the greater genetic variation
in Africa provides more power to
detect relationships of genes to
phenotypes. —LMZ
Science, this issue p. 569

Taking preventive
Recent technological advances
have made it possible to detect,
in healthy individuals, premalig-
nant blood cells that are likely
to progress to hematologic
cancer. These advances in early
detection have fueled interest in
“cancer interception,” the idea
that drugs designed to treat

Three-dimensional electron tomography
reconstruction of a microglial cell–neuron junction


Edited by Michael Funk

522 31 JANUARY 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6477


Microglia take control


hanges in the activity of microglia, the
primary immune cells of the central
nervous system, are linked with major
human diseases, including stroke,
epilepsy, psychiatric disorders, and
neurodegeneration. Cserép et al. identified a
specialized morphofunctional communication
site between microglial processes and neuro-
nal cell bodies in the mouse and the human
brain (see the Perspective by Nimmerjahn).
These junctions are formed at specific areas
of the neuronal somatic membranes and
possess a distinctive nanoarchitecture and
specialized molecular composition linked to
mitochondrial signaling. The junctions appear
to provide a major site for microglia-neuron
communication and may help to mediate the
neuroprotective effects of microglia after
acute brain injury. —SMH
Science, this issue p. 528; see also p. 510

Published by AAAS
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