BBC Science Focus - 02.2020

(Barré) #1

Bring on the

robot butlers

Robots promise to provide a

helping hand around the house as

AI personal assistants make strides

For a long t ime, in novat ions have focused
on m a k i ng u s mor e con ne c ted w it h
each other. Now, we are becoming more
con ne c ted to ou r t h i ngs. Hou sehold
items are no longer just ‘smart’ – they
are adaptive, mobile and some even have
what you might call a personality.
Take Samsung’s Ballie,thenew
ball-like personal assistantconcept
that was launched at CES.Onpaper,
it’s a voice-assistant thatisableto
fol low you a rou nd you r home.
It keeps an eye on thingswhile
you’re away, watc hes t hedog
make a mess and gentlyalerts
you to ‘clean up in the living
r oom’, a nd r em i nd s you
to water you r f avou r ite
pot plant.
Taking a more human
for m i s U BT EC H’s
Wa l ker home but ler.
Dubbed a ‘humanoid servicerobot’,
Walker surpasses home assistants
like Ballie simply becauseit can
act ua lly per for m usef u l ta sk s.

Walker is able to pick up and hand over
a basket of shopping from a trolley, open
a bottle of cola and pour it into a glass,
and even perform a yoga routine. It’s a
strange thing to behold. As Walker
isable to go up and down stairs,
it isa huge deal when it comes to
supporting the elderly and those
with disabilities.
Accessibility is where these
home robots will truly shine.
In fact, Samsung designed
their Bot Chef with exactly
this in mind. Two robotic
arms on the kitchen
counter make up this smart
sous chef, referred to as a
‘co-bot’ – a collaborat ive
robot desig ned to a ssist,
rather than taking over.
While currently just a concept,
Samsung is aiming to make the
BotChef affordable. Bon appetit.

Samsung’s Ballie bot is
a personal assistant
that will roll around
the home


Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No, it’s a Personal Air Vehicle.
Developed by Hyundai, the S-A1 is
designed to take o from vertical,
then switch to horizontal during
ight, before landing vertically. The
concept unveiled at CES could
carry four passengers plus a pilot,
with a cruising speed of up to
290km/h at altitudes of 300 to
600 metres.

Is it safe?
Hyundai has included ‘redundant’
rotors, to “make sure that a motor
failure won’t crash the taxi”. There
is also a parachute, in case of
emergencies. The S-A1 will be
piloted initially, with the intention
of becoming autonomous in the
future. It’s powered by electricity
and will apparently only require up
to seven minutes to recharge.

Can I get one home from the pub?
Not tonight, we’re afraid. Uber
hopes to perform test ights this
year and is planning to launch a
shared air taxi service in 2023.
Initially, this will only be in Dallas,
Los Angeles and Melbourne, but
considering how far and how
rapidly the ride-sharing platform
has spread on the ground, one can
only imagine what the next decade









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