Science - 06.12.2019

(singke) #1
the volcano. If the conditions are right when
the magma body under a caldera fails, an
unusually large amount of magma may flow
into rifts (see the figure). One example of this
is when tectonic stretching over a long time
has built up sufficient stress. At Kı ̄lauea, ini-
tial magma injection into the rift may have
caused stress to increase, triggering a large
earthquake, on 4 May 2018, on a
subhorizontal basal fault under
Kı ̄lauea’s south flank ( 1 ) that in
turn caused additional stretch-
ing across the rift zone.
The amount of magma trans-
ported into a rift zone can in-
duce slip on caldera ring faults
if it is large enough. Anderson
et al. reveal, in detail, the de-
formation of Kı ̄lauea before
the onset of slip on the caldera
faults and conclude that calde-
ras may begin to collapse after
removal of only a small fraction
of stored magma.
Forming new, active parts of
the volcano plumbing system
occurs by way of a laterally ad-
vancing dike in a rift zone. The
dikes may hit crystal-rich layers
called magma mush or pockets
of magma residing either under
the central part of the volcano
or in the rift zone. These pock-
ets of magma become part of
the plumbing system as magma
continues to advance. For
Kı ̄lauea, Gansecki et al. inferred
that the rift zone had at least
two separately stored magmas
that the advancing dike inter-
sected, which erupted first dur-
ing the event. At Bárðarbunga,
one magma type erupted, but
crystals from crystal mush were
incorporated into the magma
( 11 , 12 ). Both observations sug-
gest an important role for these
magma pockets in the chemistry
of the dike magma and the tim-
ing for when different magma
compositions are erupted.
After the plumbing system is
stabilized as the rift eruption
and central caldera collapse is
ongoing, pressure governs the
system evolution to a large ex-
tent. The central block within
a caldera drives out a large vol-
ume of magma as it subsides.
At Bárðarbunga, the mass flow
rate and caldera collapse were
found to decline almost expo-
nentially throughout the erup-
tion ( 2 , 13 ). Modeling indicated

that the effective cross-sectional area of the
flow path during the eruption ( 2 ) was only
a small fraction of the cross-sectional area
of the previously established dike ( 6 ). At
Kı ̄lauea, magma surges at the eruption site
were linked to steps in the down-sagging of
the caldera. At Bárðarbunga, such steps also
occurred and influenced earthquake activity




Ring fault failure



Regulated collapse and rift eruption



Large stress change owing
to magma withdrawal

Stress reaches a critical level;
caldera ring faults begin to slip

Magma fow in a laterally
propagating dike

Magma bodies

Rift zone eruption

magma bodies

Main recharge Secondary



Rift zone (faults
and fssures)

Inactive part of dike

in the dike. These effects are similar to the
water-hammer effects in fluid-filled pipes,
resulting from sudden changes in pressure
and hydraulic transients that travel in pipes
( 14 ). The observations show that variable
pressure under a collapsing central block
translates directly into eruption activity.
The recent observations of collapses have
serious implications for haz-
ards and volcano monitoring.
Eruptions in rifts require moni-
toring of conditions at calderas
far away from eruption activity
that may provide crucial infor-
mation on eruptions. This is-
sue is more relevant at basaltic
calderas than at other volcanoes
because basalt is less viscous
and flows more easily over long
distances than other magma
types. Although the next caldera
formation may not have a large
flank eruption, the recent de-
tailed monitoring demonstrates
that magma under collapsing
calderas is under pressure, and
copious amounts of magma can
be driven toward far-away ef-
fusive eruptions. This sort of
long-distance volcanic plumb-
ing system appears to be a far
more common occurrence than
previously believed. j


  1. C. A. Neal et al., Science 363 , 367

  2. M. T. Gudmundsson et al., Science 353 ,
    1 (2016).

  3. K. R. Andersen et al., Science 366 ,
    eaaz1822 (2019).

  4. C. Gansecki et al., Science 366 ,
    eaaz0147 (2019).

  5. M. R. Patrick et al., Science 366 ,
    eaay9070 (2019).

  6. F. Sigmundsson et al., Nature 517 , 191

  7. G. Pedersen et al., J. Volcanol.
    Geotherm. Res. 340 , 155 (2017).

  8. T. Ágústsdóttir et al., J. Geophys. Res.
    124 , 8331 (2019).

  9. J. Wo o d s et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
    490 , 216 (2018).

  10. M. M. Parks et al., Earth Planet. Sci.
    Lett. 262 , 212 (2017).

  11. M. E. Hartley et al., Contrib. Mineral.
    Petrol. 173 , 10 (2018).

  12. S. A. Halldórsson et al., Contrib.
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  13. D. Coppola et al., Geology 45 , 523

  14. B. S. Jung, B. Karney, Urban Water J. 14 ,
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  15. F. Sigmundsson, Geophys. Res. Lett.
    43 , 12423 (2016).

Support comes from the Horizon 2020
project EUROVOLC, funded by the European
Commission (grant 731070).


6 DECEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6470 1201

Caldera collapse coupled to rift zone eruption
Progressive steps in caldera formation in relation to lateral transfer of magma into
rifts (generalized cross-section along a volcano rift). Recharge into the magma
domain ( 15 )—a complex of liquid magma bodies and crystal mush—occurs before
an eruption. Rifting is followed by ring-fault failure and finally caldera collapse at
the center of the volcano, regulated by a major eruption in the rift.

Published by AAAS

on December 12, 2019^

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