lava lake level, lasting hours to days, were
driven by magma reservoir pressure ( 34 , 42 ),
again, like the fissure 8 vent.
This shared pattern of pressure- and gas-
driven behavior at Halema‘uma‘uandfissure
8 is noteworthy given the very different erup-
tion styles and might suggest a general start-
ing point for interpreting and forecasting
fluctuations at open-vent basaltic volcanoes—
short-term (minutes to hours) variations in
low outgassing fluctuations, whereas longer-
term (hours to days) changes are likely related
to lava supply rates and reservoir pressure.
Insights into caldera collapse and the
magmatic system
Eruption rate variations on Kīlauea’sLERZin
2018 provided us with broader insights into
the volcano’s magmatic system and, more gen-
erally, into rift-summit interactions during
basaltic caldera-forming eruptions. Summit
collapse–driven surges in lava supply to the
LERZ vent bear relevance to two concepts on
caldera collapse that have developed in recent
decades. First, studies show that there can be
a complex interplay between flank eruptions
and their parental summit magma reservoirs
( 27 , 43 , 44 ). Summit reservoirs supply pres-
surized magma to the flank vents, but the
flank conduits regulate the rate of summit
reservoir draining, producing a two-way
interaction. Second, most of the caldera col-
lapses monitored with modern instrumen-
tation, including those atMiyakejima(Japan),
Fernandina (Galapagos), Piton de la Fournaise
(Reunion Island), Bárðarbunga (Iceland), and
now Kīlauea, have exhibited episodic, and qua-
siperiodic, progression ( 8 , 43 , 45 ). Our results
confirmed and extend these two concepts to
show that the episodic rhythm of summit
caldera collapse sequences may be imparted
on the accompanying flank eruption, and
this episodic flank effusion can have direct
implications for hazard.
ThepostcollapsesurgesatKīlauea offered
clear evidence of an efficient hydraulic con-
nection between the summit and ERZ (Fig. 1A).
A sustained magmatic link between the sum-
mit and ERZ was illustrated during the 35-
year-long Pu‘u‘Ō‘ōeruption, and repeated
observations showed that transient pressure
increases in the summit magma reservoir pro-
duced higher eruption rates at the Pu‘u‘Ō‘ō
vents 20 km from the summit ( 42 , 46 ). The
postcollapse surges in 2018 demonstrated that
transmission of pressure changes by a sub-
horizontal magmatic conduit can be sustained
over twice that distance, at >40 km. Although
previous work has shown that lateral magma
transfer can occur at distances of 40+ km ( 43 ),
our results build upon this to show that pres-
sure communication between the summit
and flank vent over these distances can occur
over time scales as short as minutes. Quantita-
tive estimates of time-variable eruption rates
during fissure 8 surges will be a vital compo-
nent in future efforts to model the magma
flow from the summit to the vent and could be
used to constrain the properties of the ERZ
conduit and the summit reservoir during the
collapse events ( 47 , 48 ).
Tremor as a tool for monitoring eruption rates
Seismic tremor has been correlated with erupt-
ion intensity at several volcanoes and across
different eruption styles ( 49 – 52 ). Reliably link-
ing tremor amplitude with the volumetric
eruption rate is a valuable objective for opera-
tional monitoring and hazard assessment be-
cause tracking tremor is much easier than
estimating real-time effusion rates. However,
robust comparison datasets are rare. Compli-
cating the relationship is that tremor asso-
ciated with basaltic volcanism is often strongly
tied to near-surface outgassing ( 41 , 53 , 54 ),
which may not be indicative of deeper magma
supply rates.
If we disregard short-term gas-driven changes
(pulses) in RSAM and focus on long-term
surges, we find a correlation (R=0.80)be-
tween RSAM and effusion rate (Fig. 5C). This
trend suggests that, insome circumstances,
tremor can be used to gauge lava supply rates
during basaltic eruptions. We note the caveat
that outgassing-driven fluctuations must be
identified and disregarded.
Infrasonic tremor has also been explored as a
tool for monitoring volumetric eruption rates,
primarily at explosive volcanoes ( 52 , 55 , 56 ).
For the Kīlauea eruption, both infrasonic and
seismic tremor had a direct scaling with lava
Patricket al.,Science 366 , eaay9070 (2019) 6 December 2019 7of10
26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05
1 minute RSAM
30 minute median
30 minute median
1 minute energy
UWD tilt, μrad
RSAM, counts
Infrasound energy, Pa
2 s
POO tilt, μrad(middle ERZ)
JKA tilt, μrad
July August
Distance from summit collapse
2 km
20 km
41 km
42 km
32 km
end of major
LERZ effusion
Fig. 6. Ten days of tilt, RSAM, and infrasound spanning five summit collapse events.Summit
collapses were registered sharply at summit tilt stations [(A), UWD station]. Tilt offsets were also
registered tens of kilometers away in the middle ERZ [(B), POO station] and LERZ [(C), JKA station].
During this period, the summit collapse events were followed by an increase in tremor (shown by
peaks in RSAM) in the LERZ [(D), from station KLUD; Fig. 1B], suggesting an increase in LERZ
eruption vigor. (E) Infrasound energy showing peaks after the summit collapses, another indicator
of eruption escalation on the LERZ.
on December 12, 2019^
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