Science 14Feb2020

(Wang) #1

odeling immensely complex natu-
ral phenomena such as how sub-
atomic particles interact or how
atmospheric haze affects climate
can take many hours on even the
fastest supercomputers. Emulators,
algorithms that quickly approximate these
detailed simulations, offer a shortcut. Now,
work posted online shows how artificial in-
telligence (AI) can easily produce accurate
emulators that can accelerate simulations
across all of science by billions of times.
“This is a big deal,” says Donald Lucas,
who runs climate simulations at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory and was not

involved in the work. He says the new system
automatically creates emulators that work
better and faster than those his team designs
and trains, usually by hand. The new emu-
lators could be used to improve the models
they mimic and help scientists make the best
of their time at experimental facilities. If the
work stands up to peer review, Lucas says, “It
would change things in a big way.”
A typical computer simulation might cal-
culate, at each time step, how physical forces
affect atoms, clouds, galaxies—whatever is
being modeled. Emulators, based on a form
of AI called machine learning, skip the la-
borious reproduction of nature. Fed with
the inputs and outputs of the full simula-

tion, emulators look for patterns and learn
to guess what the simulation would do with
new inputs. But creating training data for
them requires running the full simulation
many times—the very thing the emulator is
meant to avoid.
The new emulators are based on neural
networks—machine learning systems in-
spired by the brain’s wiring—and need far
less training. Neural networks consist of
simple computing elements that link into
circuitries particular for different tasks.
Normally the connection strengths evolve
through training. But with a technique
called neural architecture search, the most
data-efficient wiring pattern for a given
task can be identified.

The technique, called Deep Emulator Net-
work Search (DENSE), relies on a general
neural architecture search co-developed by
Melody Guan, a computer scientist at Stan-
ford University. It randomly inserts layers of
computation between the networks’ input
and output, and tests and trains the result-
ing wiring with the limited data. If an added
layer enhances performance, it’s more likely
to be included in future variations. Repeating
the process improves the emulator. Guan says
it’s “exciting” to see her work used “toward
scientific discovery.” Muhammad Kasim, a
physicist at the University of Oxford who led
the study, which was posted on the preprint
server arXiv in January, says his team built

on Guan’s work because it balanced accuracy
and efficiency.
The researchers used DENSE to develop
emulators for 10 simulations—in physics, as-
tronomy, geology, and climate science. One
simulation, for example, models the way
soot and other atmospheric aerosols reflect
and absorb sunlight, affecting the global
climate. It can take a thousand of computer-
hours to run, so Duncan Watson-Parris, an
atmospheric physicist at Oxford and study
co-author, sometimes uses a machine learn-
ing emulator. But, he says, it’s tricky to set up,
and it can’t produce high-resolution outputs,
no matter how many data you give it.
The emulators that DENSE created, in
contrast, excelled despite the lack of data.
When they were turbocharged with special-
ized graphical processing chips, they were
between about 100,000 and 2 billion times
faster than their simulations. That speedup
isn’t unusual for an emulator, but these
were highly accurate: In one comparison,
an astronomy emulator’s results were more
than 99.9% identical to the results of the
full simulation, and across the 10 simula-
tions the neural network emulators were
far better than conventional ones. Kasim
says he thought DENSE would need tens of
thousands of training examples per simula-
tion to achieve these levels of accuracy. In
most cases, it used a few thousand, and in
the aerosol case only a few dozen.
“It’s a really cool result,” said Laurence
Perreault-Levasseur, an astrophysicist at the
University of Montreal who simulates galax-
ies whose light has been lensed by the grav-
ity of other galaxies. “It’s very impressive
that this same methodology can be applied
for these different problems, and that they
can manage to train it with so few examples.”
Lucas says the DENSE emulators, on top
of being fast and accurate, have another
powerful application. They can solve “in-
verse problems”—using the emulator to iden-
tify the best model parameters for correctly
predicting outputs. These parameters could
then be used to improve full simulations.
Kasim says DENSE could even enable re-
searchers to interpret data on the fly. His
team studies the behavior of plasma pushed
to extreme conditions by a giant x-ray laser
at Stanford, where time is precious. Ana-
lyzing their data in real time—modeling,
for instance, a plasma’s temperature and
density—is impossible, because the needed
simulations can take days to run, longer
than the time the researchers have on the
laser. But a DENSE emulator could inter-
pret the data fast enough to modify the ex-
periment, he says. “Hopefully in the future
we can do on-the-spot analysis.” j

Matthew Hutson is a journalist in New York City.

728 14 FEBRUARY 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6479 SCIENCE



Emulators speed up simulations, such as this NASA aerosol model that shows soot from fires in Australia.

By Matthew Hutson


With little training, neural networks create accurate

emulators for physics, astronomy, and earth science

AI shortcuts speed up

simulations by billions of times

Published by AAAS
Free download pdf