The Psychology of Friendship - Oxford University Press (2016)

(Brent) #1
Index 305

defining and differentiating interactive motifs,
41– 42
history of research on, 39– 41
interactive processes, 42– 43
electronic vs. face- to- face communication, 15
Ellis, K. M., 63– 64
Ellison, N. B., 93– 94, 100
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 141
Emmett, M. C., 270– 271
emotional closeness
and friendship in young and middle adulthood,
22– 23
future research on, 33
emotional stability, and forgiveness vs. revenge in
friendships, 198
emotional support
animals as friends, 158
gender differences in adolescence, 5
emotion- regulation goals, importance of in middle
adulthood, 29
empathy, and forgiveness in friendships, 198, 205
Enns, R . M., 167– 168
ensembled individualism, 224
Ensher, E. A., 149
Ensor, R ., 217
Erdley, Cynthia L.
friendship and socioemotional adjustment, xix
friendship in childhood and adolescence, 3– 19
health benefits of friendship, 289
interventions for enhancing friendship, 295
loneliness, and transition to middle school, 11
operational definitions of friendship, 6
peer contagion, 290
Eriksen, K., 63– 64
Espelage, D., 85
ethnic and racial diversity
and barriers to friendship, 76– 79
and facilitators of friendship, 79– 82
and interracial and interethnic friendships over
the life span, 82– 84
and mentoring opportunities, 151
overcoming barriers to friendship across lines
of, 75– 76, 87
segregation of neighborhoods and schools, 76
trends in United States, 75
Evans, K., 197
effect on friendship formation, 27, 30– 31
effect on number of friendships, 25
effect on quality of friendships, 25– 26
effects of friendship on, 31– 32, 32f

definition of “friend,” 94
and emotions expressed via social media, 93

maintaining relationships on, 98, 273– 274
and maintaining social capital, 100
and media multiplexity theory, 98
reliability of personal profiles, 96– 97
family size and number of friends, 24
relatives as friends, 44
feedback, seeking negative, 13
feelings, expressing about friends, 48
Fehr, Beverly
defining friendship, 61
four key friendship maintenance behaviors, 269
paradigmatic characteristics of friendship, 67
theories of friendship, 295, 296
Feld, S. L., 42
Felmlee, D.
expectations of friends, 45
gender and rules of friendship, 203
impact of friends on romantic relationships,
feminist intersectional theory, of adult friendship,
Fernandez, Priscilla, friendship after romance, xx,
177– 194, 290
Field, D., 42, 47
Fincham, F. D., 201
Finkel, E., 296
Fischer, Claude, 285
Fitzsimmons, G. M., 46
Fletcher, J., 97
forgiveness, and friendship
characteristics of the friendship, 199– 200
characteristics of the transgression, 200– 202
characteristics of the victim, 197– 199
difficulty of forgiving friends, 197
directions for future research, 206– 208
and empathy, 198
evolutionary function of forgiveness, 195
lines of inquiry into, 196– 197
role of gender, 202– 206
Fowler, J. H., 242
Fraley, C., 188
Frampton, B. D., 100
Franco, N., 9
Frederick, D., 49
friend, as verb, xiii
amount of time spent with, 284
expressing feelings about, 48
as sources of stress, 242– 243
ambivalent friendships as source of stress,
242– 243
assessment of, 5– 6
associated consequences, 6– 11
benefits of, 250– 251, 289– 290
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