The Psychology of Friendship - Oxford University Press (2016)

(Brent) #1
Index 313

peer contagion
depression contagion in childhood and
adolescence, 12– 14, 290
emotional contagion via Facebook, 93,
100– 101, 104
and unhealthy behaviors, 242
peer relationships
definition of, 234
peer acceptance, vs. friendship, 7
peer group acceptance and likelihood of
friendship, 3
peer influences, as barrier to friendships, 79
peer mentors, 145– 147
peer rejection, negative impacts of, 251
peer victimization, and friendship experiences
in childhood and adolescence, 10
in workplaces, 127– 128
Pelham, W. E., 14
Peng, W., 219
Perlman, Daniel
importance of maintaining friendships, 280
psychology of friendship, xxi
reflections on friendship, 283– 300
personality development, effects of friendship on,
31– 32
personality traits, and friendship, 24– 27, 30– 31
Peter, J., 274
pets, human- pet relationships
and addressing social anxiety, 169– 170
and anthropomorphism, 159– 160, 168– 169
benefits for adults, 162– 166
benefits for children, 161– 162, 164, 166
benefits over the life span, 169
defining animals as friends, 158– 160
effects on stress and anxiety, 164– 165
and human sense of self, 157– 158
psychosocial and other benefits for animals,
167– 168
rates of pet ownership, 157
and social needs fulfillment, 166– 167, 167f
as social resources, 170
Pettigrew, T. F., 80
Pevalin, D. J., 44
physical abuse, history of, and capacity for
friendship, 250
Pinterest, suggestions for future research, 102
Poirier, C. S., 9
Poland, friendship among older adults in, 45
“postmodern friendships,” 65
postromantic friendships
boundaries and rules of, 186
effect of individual differences, 178
effect of preromance friendship, 181
expectations and motivations, 179
future research, 189– 191
and hope for romantic reconciliation, 179– 180

implications of research for therapy, 190
interdependence in postdissolution friendships,
184– 185
navigating shared social networks, 187,
189– 190
new romantic partner, 188
postdissolution contact and communication,
183– 184
presence of children, 188– 189
and romantic relationship disengagement,
181– 183
satisfaction in dissolved romantic relationship,
trajectories and transitions of, 185
variations on, 177– 178
Poteat, P., 85
power distance, and mentors as friends, 151– 153
prejudice, as barrier to friendship, 76– 77
Prinstein, M. J., 8
privilege, examples of racial or ethnic, 81
problem- solving behaviors, and maintaining
friendships, 272
Prophet, The (Gibran), 66
prototype approach, to defining friendship, 286
provocations in friendship, responses to, 195– 196
psychiatric diagnostic and treatment histories, and
relationship qualities, 256t– 257t
psychosocial outcomes
for animals in human- pet relationships,
167– 168
and friendship experiences in childhood and
adolescence, 14
and social media friendship, 100– 102
symbolic outcomes, 115– 116
psychosocial support
animals as friends, 158, 163, 166
and mentoring, 143, 145, 149, 150– 151

quality of friendships
and anxiety levels, 9
assessing, 6
changes in young and middle
adulthood, 29– 30
defining qualities of friendship, 249– 250
and depression, 8
personality effects on, 25– 26
Quillian, L., 82

racial and ethnic diversity
and barriers to friendship, 76– 79
and facilitators of friendship, 79– 82
and interracial and interethnic friendships over
the life span, 82– 84
and mentoring opportunities, 151
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