Index 315
romantic relationships, friendships after
boundaries and rules of, 186
effect of individual differences, 178
effect of preromance friendship, 181
expectations and motivations, 179
future research, 189– 191
and hope for romantic reconciliation, 179– 180
implications of research for therapy, 190
interdependence in postdissolution friendships,
184– 185
navigating shared social networks, 187, 189– 190
new romantic partner, 188
postdissolution contact and communication,
183– 184
presence of children, 188– 189
and romantic relationship disengagement,
181– 183
satisfaction in dissolved romantic relationship,
trajectories and transitions of, 185
variations on, 177– 178
Rook, K. S., 51
Rose, S. M., interethnic and interracial friendship,
xx, 81
Royce, T., 49
Rubin, Lilian, 67– 68
Rudolph, K.D., 7– 8
Rusbult, C. E., 277
Russell, E. M., 85
Russell, J. E. A., 145
Russell, Tiffany, friendship and mental health
functioning, 249– 266
Rybak, A., 45
Ryckman, R . M., 214– 215, 219– 220
same- sex friendships, rules and expectations of,
203– 204
Sampson, E. E., 223– 224
Samter, W., 204
Sandberg, Sheryl, 154
Sapadin, L. A., 132, 220
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SLS), 258
Sawhney, H., 102
Schapiro, M., 217
Schneider, B. H., 216– 217, 223
Schneider, C. S., 185
scholarship on friendship
academic books on friendship, 67– 69
evolving nature of, 66
growth of, 287– 288, 287f
most frequently mentioned themes, 292, 294
school adjustment, 11
Schumaker, E. M., 96– 97
Seeman, T. E., 291
segregation, of neighborhoods and schools, 76
self- contained individualism, 223– 224
self- determination theory, and relational needs,
self- esteem
effect on friendship formation, 27, 30– 31
effect on number of friendships, 25
effect on quality of friendships, 25– 26
and friendship experiences in childhood and
adolescence, 9– 10
and self- assessment in establishing friendships,
self- management, and interventions in old age,
51– 52
self- presentation, on social media, 96– 97
self- worth, enhancement of, 5
Seligson, A. G., 190
service dogs, benefits for social connection, 164
sexual orientation
and barriers to friendship across orientations,
76– 79
and cross- orientation friendships over the life
span, 82– 84, 84– 86
and facilitators of friendship across
orientations, 79– 82
overcoming barriers to friendship across lines
of, 75– 76, 87
See also lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
sexual rivalry, 220– 221
Shackelford, T. K., 220
Sharabi, L. L., 103
Shean, G. D., 252
Sheppard, K. E., 199
Shore, B. M., 217
Shulman, H. C., 96
Shulman, S., 218
Sias, P. M., 127, 128, 249
similarity- attraction theory, 23
Simon, V. A., 8
Singleton, R . J., 220
Slim’s Table (Duneier), 42
Slotter, E. B., 46
Smith, J., 219
SnapChat, suggestions for future research, 102
social anxiety, benefits of pet ownership for,
169– 170
social capitalization theory, of friendship and
health, 237– 238
social connection
benefits of pet ownership for, 162, 163– 164
effects on health and well- being, 160– 161
and human- animal friendship, 159– 160
social constructionism theory, of adult friendship,
69– 70
social contagion, and unhealthy behaviors, 242
social engagement, and friendship in old age, 50
social homogamy, and friendship formation, 26– 27
social media, and friendship