How Not to Network a Nation. The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet

(Ben Green) #1

Notes to Chapter 4 247

Mathematical Institute (CEMI), Moscow, read in person and returned May 2008,
chap. 2, 17. See CEMI-RAS Archive in bibliography.

  1. Anatoly Kitov, “Kibernetika i upravlenie narodnym khoziastvom” [“Cybernetics
    and the Management of the National Economy”], Kibernetiku—na sluzhbu Kommu-
    nism (Cybernetics: In the Service of Communism), ed. Aksel’ Berg, 1 (1961): 207, 216.

  2. Eden Medina, Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and Politics in Allende’s Chile
    (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2011), 35, 34–39, 75–76.

  3. Malinovsky, Pioneers of Soviet Computing, including excerpts of Glushkov’s
    unpublished memoirs, “Vopreki avtoritetam” [“Despite the Authorities”], accessed
    April 15, 2015,

  4. An early mention in English of the “paperless office” can be found in “The Office
    of the Future,” Business Week 30 (2387) (1975): 48–70. See also Abigail Sellen and
    Richard Harper, The Myth of the Paperless Office (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003); Paul A.
    Marolla et al., “A Million Spiking-Neuron Integrated Circuit with a Scalable Com-
    munication Network and Interface,” Science 8 (345) (2014): 668–673, accessed April
    15, 2015,

  5. Kapitonova and Letichevsky, Paradigm i idei akademika V. M. Glushkova, 18.

  6. Ibid., 18.

  7. Their friendship eventually became a family relationship. In the 1980s, Kitov’s
    son Vladimir married Glushkov’s oldest daughter, Olga, who raised a grandson
    named Viktor. Glushkov’s youngest daughter, Vera, also named Glushkov’s grand-
    daughter Viktoria.

  8. Author’s interview with Boris Nikolaevich Malinovsky, April 7, 2012.

  9. The title of Glushkov’s last scholarly book was Fundamentals of Paperless Infor-
    matics. Viktor Glushkov, Osnovi bezbumazhnoi informatiki (Moscow: Nauka, 1982),

  10. Quoted in Gerovitch, “InterNyet,” 345; Viktor Glushkov, Kibernetika,
    vychislitel’naia tekhnika, informatika. Izbrannye trudy (Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1990),

  11. Gerovitch, “InterNyet,” 342–345.

  12. Vladislav Zubok, Zhivago’s Children: The Last Russian Intelligentsia (Cambridge:
    Harvard University Press, 2009), 275.

  13. At least two politically distinct scholars have made this same basic point force-
    fully in the last decade: Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the
    World (New York: Penguin Group, 2008); Graeber, Debt: The First Five Thousand

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