How Not to Network a Nation. The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet

(Ben Green) #1

Primary Sources

The following primary sources were consulted in writing this book and are organized below
by archive.


Central Economic-Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI-
RAS) Nemchinov letter to N. S. Khrushchyev, Doklad na XXII s’esde KPSS, October
18, 1961. RAS archives, CEMI, 1959, 1, 7, 124, 2.

Vasily Nemchinov to the Ministry of Finances, USSR: “V ministerstvo finansov SSSR”
[“ To the Ministry of Finances, USSR”]. RAS archives, CEMI, 1959, 1, 7, 125, 11.

Letter signed by V. S. Nemchinov dated December 11, 1961, to the “Bureau of the
Division of Economic, Philosophical, and Legal Sciences, Academy of Sciences,
USSR.” RAS Archives, 1959, 1, 7, 125, 11.

Report signed by V. S. Nemchinov, “Dokladnaya zapiska v Otdelenii, XXII s’ezd
KPSS” [“Division Report Notes, Twenty-second Congress of the Communist Party”],
November 17, 1961. RAS Archive, CEMI, 1959, 1, 6, 106.

Document signed by V. S. Nemchinov, “V Byuro otdeleniya ekonomicheskikh, filos-
ophskikh i provavikh nauk AN CCCP,” [To the Office of the Division of Economic,
Philosophical, and Legal Sciences, Academy of Sciences, USSR] September 17, 1960.
RAS Archive, CEMI, 1960 Document.

“Doklad Akademika N. I. Fedoreko na yubileim zasedankii posvyashennoim 10-leniyu
of Ts.E.M.I.” [“Report by Academician N. I. Fedorenko on the Ten-Year Anniversary of
CEMI”], May 1973. CEMI archives, RAS, 1959, 1, 403, 262.

Informational document by Nikolai Fedorenko, “Istoricheskaya spravka o
geyatel’nosti instituta s 1963 po 1966 g. by Director Akad. Fedorenko” [“Historical




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