How Not to Network a Nation. The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet

(Ben Green) #1

ACPR (avtomatizirovannaya sistema pla-
novyikh raschetov), 167
Actors, market, 22
Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA), 92. See also ARPANET (Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency
Against the Philosophical Henchmen of
American-English Imperialism, 30
Aiken, Howard, 30
Air Force Computational Center, 82
Akademgorodok, 3, 34, 136
An Algorithm for Chess, 177
Allende, Salvador, 27–28, 94, 120, 199
All-State ASU (OGASU), 108
All-State Automated System (OGAS). See
OGAS (obshche-gosudarstvennaya av-
tomatizirovannya sistema) project
Ampère, André-Marie, 26, 41
Analytic programming language, 121
Antiballistic missiles, 83
Antipov, Y. A., 118
Arendt, Hannah, 194–196, 200
Argentina, 27
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects
Agency Network), 2, 18–19, 104,
141, 161, 197–198, 200
development of, 91–93
and ESS, 104
and foreign inspiration, 97
and military research, 93

and nation as brain, 54–55, 120
and university research, 92–93
Artificial intelligence, 119
ASGS (avtomatizirovannaya sistema gos-
statistiki), 167
Ashby, W. Ross, 27
ASU (avtomatizirovannaya sistema uprav-
leniya), 86, 108–109, 146, 166
introduction of, 167–168
and OGAS, 108–109, 153–155, 167–
168, 192
resistance to, 168
subsystems, 167
ASUMTS (automatizirovannaya sistema
upravleniya material’no-tekhnicheskogo
snabzheniya), 167
ASUNTP (avtomatizirovaanaya sistema
upravlenia nauchno-tekhnicheskim pro-
gressom), 167
AT&T, 96
Audience, 73
Automated system of management
(ASU). See ASU (avtomatizirovannaya
sistema upravleniya)
Automatic System of Management
of Material-Technical Supply
(ACUMTB), 167
Automatic System of Management
of Scientific-Technical Progress
(ASUNTP), 167




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