How Not to Network a Nation. The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet

(Ben Green) #1

290 Index

Council of Ministers, 214
CSA (tsentral’noe statisticheskoe uprav-
leniye). See Central Statistical Admin-
istration (CSA)
Cuban missile crisis, 45
Cybernetic Revolutionaries: Technology and
Politics in Allende’s Chile, 9
Cybernetics, 3, 11–12. See also Economic
cybernetics; Soviet cybernetics
American consolidation of, 17–24
brain-computer analogy, 18, 27, 95–
96, 100, 118–119
Chile, 27–28
as communication science, 21
and computers, 16, 37
contemporary scholarship, 7–9
defining, 15–16, 45–46
eastern Europe, 28
England, 26–27
feedback loops, 21–22
France, 25–26
heterarchy, 22–24
and information/game theory, 20
Macy Conferences on Cybernetics,
methodology, 20
and models of mind, 29
origin of term, 17
as postwar systems science, 15, 24
Soviet criticism of, 30–32
vocabulary of, 16, 19
Cybernetics, or Control and Communica-
tion in the Animal and the Machine,
17–18, 30, 35–37, 47, 50, 82, 198
Cybernetics: In the Service of Communism,
44, 46
Cybersyn network, 9, 27–28, 54, 197,
Cybertonia, 130–136

Danil’chenko, I. A., 118
Dantzig, George, 69
Data transmission, 20

Davies, Donald, 96–97, 198
The Dead Hand, 6, 84
Dead Souls, 204
Decentralization, 63–64, 172–173
Deep Blue, 179
Defamiliarization, xiii
Deleuze, Gilles, 26
Democracy, 202
Democracy and the Foreigner, 49
Department of Defense (DoD), 92–93
Descartes, René, 26
The Design of Digital Automatic Machines,
Dewey, John, 55
Dialectical materialism, 39–40, 195
“Dialogues on Cybernetics,” 35
Diderot, Denis, 26
Digital Computing Machines, 84, 108
Digital technologies, 104
Distributed networks, 55, 94, 96, 100,
Dnepr-2, 119
Dnieper computer series, 127
Donbass region, 154
Drosophila, 178

EASU (ekonomicheskaya avtomatizirovan-
naya sistema upravleniya). See Eco-
nomic Automatic Management
System (EASU)
Economic Automatic Management Sys-
tem (EASU), 81, 86–87, 91, 103–104
Economic corruption, 188
Economic cybernetics, 12, 44, 53, 138.
See also Command economy
computational economics, 67, 69–70,
decentralization, 63–64
and liberal economists, 71
Libermanism, 66–67
linear modeling, 68–69
and orthodox economists, 64–65
planometrics, 67–68
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