Whisky - UK (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1

The Epicurean


Montecristo No.4
From last issue’s relative tiddler

in the cigar world, this time we are

reach and global standing, the
Montecristo No.4.

This Monetcristo is probably the best
known and most readily mentioned

and appreciated brand of Cuban cigars
in the world, coming in a close second

to Cohiba. For me, the No.4 and its
larger stablemate the No.2, are the

benchmarks for the cigar world, such
are their consistency and balance.

The Montecristo brand was created
in 1935 by Alonso Menendez and Jose

Manuel Garcia, who had just purchased
the H. Upmann brand. The name,

particularly if you are a classic literature
fan, comes from a lovely story. When the

cigar makers (or torcedores) are rolling
cigars they have someone called a
Lector who reads them the news, novels

and other things. The legend has is that
the Alexande Dumas novel The Count of

Monte Cristo was such a big hit at the H.
Upmann factories that the name stuck.

So what makes this little punchy
stick so impressive? Well for a start

the tobacco comes from Cuba’s home

Vuelta Abajo. This region is legendary

for tobacco in the cigar world.

The leaves when they are ready are
rolled into what’s called a petite corona.

There is lots of technical language
surrounding cigars and to be honest I

to know what’s good to smoke and why

it’s good.
If I am wrong please drop me a line in

the usual manner and let me know.
So this world-dominating cigar might

be small, but it delivers a well balanced
and feisty smoke. Each pull gives you

great coffee and cocoa notes, and
developing after about a quarter of its

length, vanilla and caramel.
This is pretty much an all-rounder

of a cigar, but as we are talking about
dominating a market, I thought it would

be perfect to put with a Johnnie Walker
Black Label.

grocer John Walker in the Scottish town

of Kilmarnock. It is now the most widely
distributed brand of blended Scotch

whisky in the world, sold in almost
every country.

Which means, if you travel with your

consistent sweet and smoky blend
in whichever bar you settle into for a

smoke and a dram.

Opening pages:
Jodi Feuille’s seared
steak and whiskey.
These pages, from
left to right:
The Old Fashioned;
Montecristo cigars.

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