
(Nandana) #1


APRIL 2020 businesstraveller.com






ublicownershipis so1990s.
firms can grow,freefromthepressuresof
quarterly reporting,regulation,tight
scrutiny anddemandingretailshareholders.
In the US,thenumberoflisted
in 1996. It’sa trendthatacceleratedafterthe
2008 creditcrunchsawinterestrates
collapse, makingdebtfundingmore
attractive andeasiertoraise
for entrepreneurs.
This is akeydrivingforce
behind theboominthe
valuations ofprivately
backed companies.Therise
of start-upsbackedby
venture capitalists(VCs)
and privateequityfirmshas
gifted us theterm“unicorn”

  • an unlisted company valuedatmorethan
    US$1 billion.
    The idea is that investors get
    in early on the most exciting
    companies, which are usually
    technolog y-related, and the
    funds are used to grow the
    start-ups. Then backers “exit”

  • selling either to another private backer or
    by listing the company on the stock market
    (via an IPO – initial public offering ),
    multiplying their initial investment.
    At a time when interest rates are low and
    attractive returns hard to come by, this is an
    appealing story. Institutional investors and
    sophisticated private investors have queued
    up to get exposure to private equity and VC

2020 withnearlyUS$1.5trillionin“dry
sittingwaitingtobeinvested”);a record.
However,therushforunicornssuffered a
realitychecklastyear,astheventureend of
disappointmentcamewithWeWork. The
officespacerentalgroupwasscheduled to go
Japan’sSoftBank,hoping it
wouldlistata valueof
US$47billion.Inthe end,
whenit lookedasthough the
mostit couldfetchwould be
WeWorkfounderand chief
leftthecompanyand Soft
Bank had to step in with
emergency funding.
So is this it for the boom in
private markets? Not necessarily.
Plenty of deals are still being done
atexuberant valuations. Shuli Ren,
forBloomberg Businessweek, notes that,
according to a recent study by Will Gornall
and Ilya A Sterbulaev published in the
Journal of Financial Economics, the average
“unicorn” is still priced at 48 per cent above
its fair value. With all that “dry powder"
flooding into funds that need to invest it
(you don’t pay VC and private equity fees to
have them stick your money in a cash
account), it’s hard to see the deal flow drying
up any time soon.

What does it mean for your own money?
You should be aware of two main points. If
you are considering investing in private
equity as an asset class, bear in mind that the
estimated returns to private equity are quite
possibly overhyped. Because companies
aren’t traded in public markets, private
equity valuations are more subjective than
those of firms trading on the FTSE 100.

A good example of the difficulty of valuing
unlisted companies comes from Neil
Woodford’s fund empire. His flagship fund
was forced to stop investor withdrawals last
year because he held too many stakes in
unlisted companies that were impossible to
sell at short notice for the valuations
assigned to them. Since then, there have
been several write-downs on the value of
those firms, illustrating clearly that you only
know what an asset is worth once you’ve
managed to find a willing buyer for it.
The second point is more relevant if you
are tempted to buy into any of the IPOs of
the bigger VC-backed companies. The hefty
valuations put on some of these firms in the
private markets may not reflect reality. As
the JFE study points out, many late-stage
investors have protective clauses attached to
their investments, which will compensate
them if the IPO disappoints – protections
that ordinary investors don’t have.
While there may not be a bursting of the
unicorn bubble, any sensible investor should
view it as a warning sign. When you invest
in a sector characterised by high fees and a
lack of transparency, someone involvedin
the process may well make out like abandit

  • but it almost certainly won’t be you.BT

You only know
what an asset is
worth once you’ve
managed to find a
willing buyer for it

The unicorn


Does the failure of some much-hyped IPOs signal
the demise of the start-up private funding market?
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