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“But what happens in type 2 diabetes is still a remaining ques-
tion in humans.”
Muscle clocks may affect aspects of health other than metab-
olism as well. Esser and her colleagues have found that knock-
ing out tissue-specific timekeepers leads to weaker muscles in
mice.^11 Her team has also observed, in unpublished work, that
perturbing these clocks can influence the physiology of sarco-
meres, the basic units of muscle tissue. “When we disrupt the
clock, we’re starting to see variations in the length of the sarco-
mere along a single fiber,” Esser says. “[This can] affect force
generation, and the prediction is that you might make this mus-
cle more susceptible to injury.”
Muscle clocks can also influence rodents’ slumber. Neu-
roscientist Ketema Paul of the University of California, Los
Angeles, and his colleagues revealed that removing Bmal1
from the muscles of mice increased the amount of time the
rodents spent in non-REM sleep.^12 Moreover, the researchers
found that, while knocking out this gene in the brain or mus-
cles impaired the rodents’ ability to regain normal sleep pat-
terns after six hours of forced wakefulness, increasing Bmal1
expression in muscle made them better at bouncing back after
sleep deprivation. (See “Power Nap,” pg. 55.) In addition to pro-
viding a better understanding of the mechanisms that mediate
sleep homeostasis, Paul says, these findings hint at potential
treatments that target nonbrain tissues for sleep disorders or
improve recovery after sleep loss.
Many questions remain about the way muscle keeps time,
such as how external signals are incorporated. Studies, pri-
marily in rodents, suggest that feeding and exercise may serve
as primary environmental cues. Oxygen levels may also play a
The muscles’ intrinsic timekeepers keep
the body’s metabolic pathways in sync with
activity and rest cycles during the day.
The muscle clock is regulated by feeding
and physical activity—behaviors controlled
in part by the suprachiasmatic nucleus
(SCN), the body’s so-called master clock.
Researchers have found that the muscle’s
intrinsic rhythms could be tweaked in
mice by changing the timing of feeding
(Gene Dev, 14:2950–61, 2000), which is an
important cue for other peripheral clocks as
well. Scheduled exercise can also tune the
muscle’s clocks, affecting the expression
of circadian genes such as those involved
in maintaining the muscles’ contractile
properties (Med Sci Sports Exerc, 44:1663–70,
2012). Conversely, disrupting muscle clocks
can aff ect sleep, suggesting that rhythms in
the body’s peripheral tissues feedback on
the brain, possibly through circulating
hormones or other chemical messengers.
Master clock
peripheral clocks
infl uence
Muscle clock
Feeding Activity
Glucose and lipid
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