Western Civilization.p

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Medieval Religion and Thought163

committed on behalf of the faith) from the papacy as
an encouragement.
The reconquest was not, however, a unified move-
ment. Muslim Spain was reunited in 1086 under the
Almoravides, a religious reform movement originating
in North Africa, and again in 1172 by an even more
puritanical group, the Almohades. Christian gains
were made in the intervals between periods of Muslim
strength. In the meantime, the Christian princes con-
tinued to fight among themselves, which led to the
creation of the kingdom of Portugal in 1143. The age
is best symbolized by the career of Rodrigo Díaz de
Vivar, known as “El Cid” (c. 1043–99). El Cid fought
for both Christian and Muslim potentates, changing

sides as his interest required, until he acquired the
kingdom of Valencia in 1092. His ruthless cynicism
did not prevent him from becoming the hero of
chivalric romances.
Medieval Spain was a multicultural society in
which Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in uneasy
balance. Religious tolerance was for the most part
maintained out of necessity and gave birth to a rich
philosophical and scientific tradition that flourished in
spite of war and occasional outbreaks of religious vio-
lence. The balance was tipped in 1212 when Alfonso
VIII of Castile defeated the Almohades at the battle of
Las Navas de Tolosa. The Muslim towns fell one by
one until in 1248 Sevilla surrendered to the Christians,

Illustration 9.3
Reims Cathedral.Begun about
1200, Reims is a superb example of High
Gothic cathedral building.
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