Web Design Confidential

(Ann) #1

53 The State of Web Design Trends: 2012

SimpleGrid leaves the decisions to the designer.

SimpleGrid takes a similar approach to its media queries, catering
to four possible screen resolutions. Unlike the Skeleton boilerplate,
SimpleGrid is a straightforward grid system (a simple grid, I sup-
pose) which leaves you to make all the design decisions yourself.

The Golden Grid System is another example (there really are a lot
of similar systems, so I won’t bore you with all of them). The devil
is in the details however, and a closer look at The Golden Grid
System reveals some solid principles and ideas. Joni Korpi, the
brains behind it, advocates things such as mobile-first develop-
ment, utilizing maximum screen width (an unaltered Golden Grid
System caters for screens up to 5120px!), box-sizing: border-box;,
gutter widths relative to text size instead of screen size, and all
sorts of other intriguing practices. Good stuff.
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