Strategic Regions in 21st Century Power Politics - Zones of Consensus and Zones of Conflict

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Chapter Thirteen

the communist party general secretary. Since the normalization of relations
between the two countries in 1995,^26 Vietnamese politicians have
officially visited the US several times, starting with the first official visit
of Prime Minister Phan Van Kai in 2005. Also, other high-ranking
Vietnamese political officials, such as the president, have officially visited
the US and had meetings with the American president where issues with
China were one of the topics. One of the main purposes of the last official
visit of the Vietnamese president Troung Tan Sang, held in July 2013,^27
was to demonstrate Vietnam’s willingness to cooperate with the US to
counterbalance the threat from China. Namely, president Sang clearly
mentioned the situation in the East Sea (i.e. the South China Sea) and
reiterated the important role of US support for the Vietnamese stance in
the resolution of the territorial disputes there.^28
Despite the differences in ideologies and political systems, as well as
open issues such as the human rights report, there is clear political will
from both sides to deepen their cooperation, vividly expressed in Paneta’s
words: “We have a complicated relationship, but we’re not bound by that
history.”^29 The political cooperation between the US and Vietnam seems
to be reaching the highest level, with the decision to form a U.S.-Vietnam
Comprehensive Partnership, which was taken at the last bilateral meeting
of Presidents Obama and Sang.^30 Many of the areas of cooperation in this
Comprehensive Partnership concern issues of contention with China.
Besides improving their mutual relationship, this will also be an act
towards containment of the common threat.

(^26) United States Department of Defence, “Panetta to visit American ship in
Vietnam’s Cam Rahn Bay“:
(^27) Voice of America English News, “Vietnamese President Seeks New
Relationship With US“:

(^28) The White House, Remarks by President Obama and President Truong Tan
Sang of Vietnam after Bilateral Meeting:

(^29) Stripes, “Panetta first top US official since war to visit old Vietnam Navy base“:

(^30) The White House, Joint Statement by President Barack Obama of the United
States of America and President Truong Tan Sang of the Socialist Republic of

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