4 Fintan O’Toole Bernie Sanders: An Outside Chance
8 Sylvia Legris Poem
9 Janet Malcolm Lovesick
10 Robert Macfarlane Traces of J.B. Jackson: The Man Who Taught Us to See Everyday America
by Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz
14 Coco Fusco The Fallen by Carlos Manuel Álvarez, translated from the Spanish
by Frank Wynne
The Disoriented Ones by Enrique Del Risco
18 Tim Wu The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future
at the New Frontier of Power by Shoshana Zuboff
20 Luc Sante Intelligence for Dummies: Essays and Other Collected Writings
by Glenn O’Brien
22 David Cole Trump Is Not Exempt
24 Namwali Serpell Watchmen a television series created by Damon Lindelof
27 David S. Reynolds Polygamy: An Early American History by Sarah M. S. Pearsall
29 John Banville C’est la Vie by Pascal Garnier, translated from the French by Jane Aitken
and three other books by Pascal Garnier
31 James Romm The Greek Experience of India: From Alexander to the Indo-Greeks
by Richard Stoneman
33 Cass R. Sunstein Mean Girl: Ayn Rand and the Culture of Greed by Lisa Duggan
36 Francine Prose Night Boat to Tangier by Kevin Barry
39 Ethan Bronner We Stand Divided: The Rift Between American Jews and Israel by Daniel Gordis
Our American Israel: The Story of an Entangled Alliance by Amy Kaplan
42 David Motadel Helping Hitler: An Exchange with Christopher Clark and Racheli Edelman
42 Letters from Albion M. Urdank and Caroline Fraser
Maya Chung and Nawal Arjini, Editorial Assistants; Willa Glickman, Editorial Intern; Sylvia Lonergan, Researcher; Katie Jefferis, Daniel Drake, and Will Simpson,
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Microcard Services: NAPC, 300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
NYRDaily Matt Seaton, Editor; Lucy McKeon, Associate Editor.
On the cover, from top: Bernie Sanders, drawing by Anders Nilsen; a detail from a panel in Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, 1986 –1987 (DC Comics);
Benjamin Netanyahu, drawing by Tom Bachtell. The drawing on page 4 is by Anders Nilsen. The drawing on page 22 is by James Ferguson. The drawing on page 33
is by John Cuneo. The drawing on page 36 is by Hope Gangloff. The drawing on page 38 is by David Levine. The drawing on page 39 is by Tom Bachtell.
The New York Review of Books (ISSN 0028-7504), published 20 times a year, monthly in January, June, August, and September; semi-monthly in February, March, April,
May, July, October, November, and December. NYREV, Inc., 435 Hudson Street, Suite 300, New York, NY 10014-3994. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY 10001
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Editors: Emily Greenhouse, Gabriel Winslow-Yost
Deputy Editor: Michael Shae
Senior Editors: Eve Bowen, Prudence Crowther,
Julie Just, Andrew Katzenstein
Senior Editor, Poetry: Jana Prikryl
Editor-at-Large: Daniel Mendelsohn
Founding Editors : Robert B. Silvers (1929–2017)
Barbara Epstein (1928–2006)
Publisher: Rea S. Hederman
Advertising Director: Lara Frohlich Andersen
» Patrick Strickland: Greece’s Refugee Warehouse Crisis
» E. Tammy Kim: Moms 4 Housing and the Right to a Home
» Anastasia Edel: A Night at the Bolshoi, 1985
» Steven Greenhouse : Can Labor Win in November?
Plus: Casey Gerald on a young filmmaker’s Louisiana, Susannah Jacob interviews Michael Bennet, and more ...
JOHN BANVILLE ’s novel Snow will be published in
ETHAN BRONNER , a Senior Editor at Bloomberg, is a
former Jerusalem Bureau Chief and Deputy Foreign Editor of
The New York Times.
DAVID COLE is the National Legal Director of the ACLU
and the Honorable George J. Mitchell Professor in Law and
Public Policy at the Georgetown University Law Center. His
latest book is Engines of Liberty: How Citizen Movements
COCO FUSCO is a New York City–based artist and writer
and the author of Dangerous Moves: Performance and Poli-
tics in Cuba.
SYLVIA LEGRIS ’s fourth poetry collection, Garden Physic,
will be published in 2021.
ROBERT MACFARLANE is the author of books about
nature, people, and place, including The Old Ways, Land-
marks, and, most recently, Underland: A Deep Time Journey.
He is a Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
JANET MALCOLM ’s latest book is Nobody’s Looking at
You, a collection of essays.
FINTAN O’TOOLE is a columnist with The Irish Times and
the Parnell Fellow at Magdalene College, Cambridge. His
most recent book is The Politics of Pain: Postwar England
and the Rise of Nationalism.
FRANCINE PROSE is Distinguished Writer in Residence at
Bard. Her newest book is a collection of essays, What to Read
and Why.
DAVID S. REYNOLDS , a Distinguished Professor at
the CUNY Graduate Center, is the author or editor of six-
teen books, including Walt Whitman’s America: A Cultural
Biography, Waking Giant: America in the Age of Jackson, and
John Brown, Abolitionist. His book Abe: Abraham Lincoln in
His Times will be published in September.
JAMES ROMM is the James H. Ottaway Jr. Professor of
Classics at Bard and the author of Dying Every Day: Seneca
at the Court of Nero and Ghost on the Throne: The Death of
Alexander the Great and the War for Crown and Empire.
LUC SANTE ’s new collection of essays, Maybe the People
Would Be the Times, will be published in September.
NAMWALI SERPELL is a Zambian writer and Associate
Professor of English at the University of California at
Berkeley. She won the 2015 Caine Prize for African Writing.
Her first novel, The Old Drift, was published last year.
CASS R. SUNSTEIN is the Robert Walmsley University
Professor at Harvard. His latest book, Too Much Information,
will be published in the fall.
TIM WU is a Professor at Columbia Law School and a
contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. He is
the author of The Master Switch, The Attention Merchants,
and The Curse of Bigness.
“This may be the most
important book on US
history you will read
in your lifetime.”
author of An Indigenous Peoples’
History of the United States
“A masterpiece that both
haunts and inspires.”
Pulitzer Prize–winning
author of Blood in the Water
Johnson has written a
searing history that
matters deeply to him, a
native son, and it should
matter to all of us.”
author of Begin Again:
James Baldwin’s America and Its
Urgent Lessons for Our Own
St. Louis and the Violent
History of the United States