The Complete Google Manual - USA - Edition 05 (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

Step 5
❱ Once you add a due date to a created task, it will appear in your
Google Calendar on that date. If you go into Calendar and can’t
see the task, make sure that the Tasks option is highlighted in the
left-hand sidebar. You can change the colour of shown tasks using
the drop down menu.

Step 6
❱ When the Tasks option is selected in Calendar, a new sidebar will
open on the right to show all tasks. You can manage tasks from
here or from in the main Calendar panel. If you don’t want the
sidebar to be displayed, click the X to close it.

Step 7
❱ Once you have created a task from an email, go back to the Tasks
panel in Gmail where you can add additional tasks as part of that
main task. To show that the task is a sub-task, you can indent it.
Click anywhere in the tasks panel and hit Enter to add a task.

Step 8
❱ Select the new task and type a title. Like any other task, you can
use the arrow to go in and set a due date and notes. Go back to
the list and highlight the sub-task. Click Actions and then select
Indent. The title will indent, showing that it is part of the task
above it.

Step 9
❱ To remove an email association from a to-do item in Gmail Tasks,
highlight the desired task (click anywhere in its title, for example).
Press Shift-Enter and then click the X next to Related email option.
Once the related email is removed, it can’t be added again.

Create Tasks from Gmail

Tasks Shortcuts

Using the following keyboard shortcuts can speed up the
processes above.

Shift + Enter: Enters task detail view
Esc: Exits task detail view
Space: Marks a task complete or incomplete
Enter: Enters inline edit mode
Backspace: Deletes a task
Alt + Up: Moves selected task up
Alt + Down: Moves selected task down
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