The Complete Google Manual - USA - Edition 05 (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

Step 4
❱ After completed the initial sign up process, you are taken to the
core My Account page. From this page you can customise your
entire Google user experience as follows.

Step 6
❱ There are key areas of the Security options available that
can rapidly give you an insight into the uses of your account.
Beginning with the Your Devices option, which is very important.

Step 5
❱ Starting with the
Account Protected
option, you can,
from here, check
the activity of your
account, confirming
that you are the
only user, list
devices that are
logged in via your
account and explore
recovery options.

Step 8
❱ Return to the Google account page where the next option,
Privacy & Personalisation link, enables you to manage and edit all
of your data and details used during this initial setup process.

Step 7
❱ These links show any devices that have, or are currently,
accessing your account. If these details don’t match your records,
you can change your password using the Personal Info link.

Step 9
❱ The Personal info
link, left side bar,
opens a page that
holds a complete
record of the
information you have
shared with Google.
Check to ensure it is
correct. Any issues are
shown as a triangle
symbol containing a
“!” icon, click or tap to
correct them.

Google Account Set Up

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