The Complete Google Manual - USA - Edition 05 (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
Step 7
❱ To check your video has been added to your account, navigate
back to the main YouTube page and click on your name in the left-
hand column. All of your uploaded videos will be displayed there.

Step 8
❱ Click the Video Manager button to quickly see and manage all of
your uploaded videos. Here you can check the number of views,
likes and dislikes, as well as being able to share or delete videos.

Step 4
❱ Fill out the rest of the information, including the description and
the tags, as these help make it easier for the video to be found by
searchers. If you wish, you can alter the privacy settings so only
certain people can find it.

Step 5
❱ When the video has finished processing, several thumbnails will
automatically be grabbed from it and displayed. Click on the one
you want to use as the display thumbnail on YouTube: select the
one that you feel sums up your video clip the best.

Step 6
❱ If the uploader detects that the video is shaky, as it is being
processed, you can choose to stabilise it. A progress bar will
show when the video is uploaded to the site.

Uploading Videos to YouTube

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