counterpart, the acquisition of a physical craft has spiritual ramifications
and ultimately participates in the creative force of the‘world soul.’^37
The discourses of optics that correlate with the rise of isometric poly-
gonal geometry emerged within debates about broader parameters of truth
in the eighth century (seeChapter 1.1). From author to author, geometry
emerges within a system of similitudes, including the cosmos, music,
brocade, and architecture, that place it in a system of meaning. While
this meaning cannot be interpreted in a consistent semiotic system–an
Figure 25Anonymous,“Example of geometric pattern as constructed with a compass
and ruler,”from“On Interlocking Similar or Congruent Figures.”Bibliothèque
Nationale de France, Paris, MS Persan 169, pp. 121– 122
(^37) El-Bizri and de Gallatay,2018: 161.
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