popular science

(singke) #1
GENKI for Switch
Incredibly, the Nintendo Switch gaming
console doesn’t have Bluetooth on board.
What is this, the 1950s? Okay so it saves
battery or whatever. The Genki won’t use
much battery either thanks to its support
for Bluetooth’s newest ultra-low-power
format. It plugs into the Switch’s USB-C
port and can send crisp tunes (and
boing-beep noises) to two headsets at
once. It’s even styled like a Switch, see?
Cool earbuds not included, but a stand is.

Nomad Espresso
Do you demand café-quality espresso at
all times, no matter where you are, no
exceptions? Like, for instance, when you’re
car-camping? The Nomad will provide that
espresso. A clever rocking lever lets you
pressurise the system without undue
exertion, and the True Crema Valve
produces a crema that is, if nothing else,
an extremely convincing facsimile. All it
needs is ground coffee and boiling water.

Blackview BV9000 Pro
Are you always smashing your smart-
phone pretty much straight out of the
box? Not in anger, but just because you’re
that kind of person? You need a tougher
machine, obviously. The BV9000 can take
what you dish out, with its kevlar casing,
Gorilla Glass 5 display, IPX68 waterproof
rating, and massive 4180mAh battery. So
not only can you kick it down the stairs, you
can leave lying at the bottom all day
without it going flat.

Beeline Moto GPS
After the sixth time you get crash-tackled
to the ground by zealous highway cops for
looking like you are about to start looking
at your phone on your motorbike, you’ll be
in the market for a GPS like this. The
Beeline Moto provides minimalist info: a
distance, and an arrow that points in the
direction you need to go. Requires an app
to function, but has a 30 hour battery life
and won’t get you arrested. Probably.

Coolala Outdoor Aircon
One of the worst things about nature is
the lack of air conditioning. Thank
goodness Coolala has now invented a
small air conditioning unit for you to
trundle around the park, relaxed and
comfortable as it puffs cool dry air onto
your ankles. Requires a bulky battery pack
to run unplugged (not shown) but also
runs off folding solar panels. Essential bit
of kit this, absolutely essential.

Cuddle Clone
Can’t bear the thought of being without
your precious pet, but also quite sensibly
think actual taxidermy is super creepy?
Don’t stuff your poor moggy! Get a
convincing plush replica made to order
instead. Just supply Cuddle Clones with
an ample collection of photos and they’ll
do their best to recreate Chairman
Meow’s weird face. They also do horses,
which sounds like a heck of a thing, if you
think about it.
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