
(Darren Dugan) #1

Joe, Eunice and Bernard teach Matt
sophistication in a particularly amusing section
of the film: How to golf, how to eat shellfish, how
to drink nice scotch and how to negotiate deals
with captains of industry.

It’s invigorating at first watching Bernard and Joe
play puppet master in order to buy the building
that houses the bank Bernard couldn’t even
get a meeting with. The plan works and they’re
all getting rich. But their scheme starts to get
away from them as Bernard’s ambitions grow
and Matt pushes for some actual responsibility
(thanks in no part to a one-dimensional gold-
digging wife). Getting rich isn’t Bernard’s only
goal after all: He also wants to affect change for
black people in the United States. Unfortunately,
he underestimates just how vindictive the
establishment in Texas is when they find out that
he’s the real owner of the bank.

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