2020-03-01 Ivy League Enjoy English

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Extra Words & Phrases

slogan [ `slogJn ] n.

reception [ rI`sEpSJn ] n.

prime minister


] n.

Ź unzip [

] vt.

Ź anti-nuclear [

] a.

anti [

] prefix

Ź Democrat [

] n.

Republican [

] n.

Ź bug [ bVg ] vt.

feminist [ `fEmJnIst ] n.

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Words & Phrases

  1. make a statement

statement [ `stetmJnt ]


That movie makes a statement about the

dangers of technology.

  1. political [ pJ`lItIkL ] a.

The first showing of the movie was delayed

because of political reasons.

  1. be not the case

be the case

I thought my boyfriend was mad at me, but that

t the case.

If what the expert says is really the case, then

we need to keep an eye on our kids.

  1. candidate [ kAndJ"det /kAndJdIt ]


Environmental protection has always been a

key issue for that candidate.

  1. reference [ `rEfJrJns ] n.

Fearing his mother would get upset, Nick didn t

make any references to his sister s illness.

  1. scandal [

] n.

After he got involved in a political scandal, the

police chief was forced to step down.

  1. fast-forward



vi. & vt.

s fast-forward this part because it
s too

scary for the kids.

  1. from coast to coast

That important sport event was broadcast live

from coast to coast.

There were several (references / scandals /

candidates) to the author
s friends in her new


That popular series is aired from (face to face /

head to toe / coast to coast).

The mayor has made a (difference / statement /

fortune) that all illegal factories will be shut down.

You Can Do This

Tips in Use

go (all the way) back to +

= date back to

= date from +

= be traced back to

The origin of this Chinese character goes (all the

way) back to the third century.

This vase dates back to the Ching Dynasty.

The start of this custom can be traced back to the



go back / date back / be traced back +

That practice goes back 200 years.

This museum houses several pieces of art that

date back more than a thousand years.

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