The Washington Post - 19.03.2020

(Marcin) #1


the coronavirus outbreak


Hospitals a re holding b ack from
ordering m ore medical ventilators
because of the high cost for what
may be only a short-term spike in
demand from the coronavirus epi-
demic, supply chain experts and
health researchers say, intensify-
ing an anticipated shortage of life-
saving equipment for patients
who b ecome critically ill.
The lack of ventilators — and
growing calls for a more aggres-
sive government role t o fill the gap
— w as a subject of tense e xchanges
this week between President
Trump and state officials. The is-
sue also revealed a disconnect be-
tween d ifferent parts of the health-
care industry, w ith the main h ospi-
tal association disputing the ac-
counts about the adequacy of
supply of the lifesaving equip-
Mechanical ventilators, which
help patients breathe or breathe
for them, a re considered critical to
the nation’s effort to contain the
worst effects of the pandemic and
avoid a crisis like the one Italy is
facing. Depending on how bad the
coronavirus pandemic gets in the
United States, individual cities
co uld c ome u p thousands o f venti-
lators short as patients flood hos-
pitals, researchers say.
“It’s a challenge for states, local
governments and hospital admin-
istrators to allocate tens of mil-
lions o f dollars to something when
they don’t know if they need it or
not,” said Chris Kiple, chief execu-
tive of Ventec Life Systems, a small
ventilator manufacturer in Wash-
ington state. “But if they don’t do
it, they are going to be caught
flat-footed, and facilities are going
to be faced with not enough venti-
lators to meet demand.”
Ventilator m anufacturers could
achieve, within a few months, a
significant boost in production
fr om about 50,000 units a year
currently, said Julie Letwat, a
he alth-care lawyer with McGuire-
Woods in Chicago who is monitor-
ing the industry. Orders have not
flooded in, she said, because most
hospitals can’t afford to increase
inventory of expensive equipment
for what could turn out to be a
short-term event.
“The risk is that they’ll never be
used, and hospitals can’t eat the

cost,” she said. “Most hospitals in
this country a re not profitable.”
Ventilators range from $25,
for a basic model to $50,000 for a
machine used in the most ad-
vanced intensive-care units. Buy-
ing them also requires additional
large investments in staff and
training. Letwat said federal gov-
ernment investment would be the
surest way to boost s upply.
Governors and local health au-
thorities worry about an insuffi-
cient supply of ventilators and
have been calling on the Trump
administration to move aggres-
sively to solve the problem. The
president i ndicated Wednesday he
has a plan to boost ventilator sup-
plies but did not provide specifics.
“We are ordering thousands and
thousands of ventilators and they
are complex,'' Trump said at a
White House p ress briefing.
Other governments have
rushed to stock up. The United
Kingdom has asked Rolls-Royce
Holdings, which makes jet en-
gi nes, and other heavy manufac-
turers to make ventilators. Germa-
ny o rdered 10,000 ventilators with
Dragerwerk AG, which Dow Jones
said was the company’s largest or-
der e ver.
In t he United States, Trump told
state officials on a conference call
Monday that states and local gov-
ernments should procure their
own equipment. “Respirators,
ventilators, a ll of the e quipment —
try getting it yourselves,” Trump
told the governors, according to
the New York Times, which first
reported the call.
The Trump administration has
barely begun to release up to
13,000 older ventilator models
ca ched around the country in the
federal Strategic National Stock-
pile, saying state officials have not
requested them.
Maryland Gov. L arry Hogan (R),
chairman of the National Gover-
nors Association, said leaders na-
tionwide are scrambling to secure
ventilators to prepare hospitals for
a surge of coronavirus patients,
but there a re not enough a vailable.
“There is a problem with sup-
plies and ventilators,” Hogan said
Monday. “ There’s not enough sup-
plies. The states don’t have
enough. The federal government
doesn’t have enough. They’re not
getting distributed fast enough.

And t hat’s a problem for all o f us.”
Hospital officials do not know
how many patients will need ven-
tilator care in the United States or
whether the system will be over-
whelmed. They say they are in a
race against the spread of the vi-
rus, hoping measures to keep peo-
ple in their homes will reduce the
size of the short-term spike in
those seeking c are.
Nancy Foster, vice president for
quality and patient safety policy a t
the American Hospital Associa-
tion, said hospitals are canceling
elective surgeries to try to free up
ventilators. “Knowing exactly
what is enough is hard at the mo-
ment,” Foster said.
She also said hospitals are pre-
paring to move ventilators to hot
spots of infection within multi-
hospital systems and b ring older
models b ack into use.
“We do have the capacity in an
emergency to turn the switch on a
lot of different things. We could
change in a very short time,” said
Brahim Ardolic, e xecutive director
of Staten Island University Hospi-
tal, which is part of a 22-hospital
Foster said she has not heard
any American Hospital Associa-
tion member hospital say it was
not purchasing ventilators be-

ca use of cost. “They want to be
fully p repared to serve the n eeds of
their community and to do so in-
telligently,” s he said.
Hospitals meanwhile are
scrambling to buy personal pro-
tective equipment for medical
staff before the coming wave of
infection, including disposable
pr otective m asks called N95 r espi-
rators, which are in short supply
On the front lines of one of the
nation’s earliest outbreaks, J. Ran-
dall Curtis, a doctor in Seattle, has
treated six coronavirus patients in
the intensive-care unit at Harbor-
view Medical Center, t hree of them
requiring ventilators (including
one w ho died).
“Right now, we are mobilizing
additional staff and cordoning off
ICUs to take c are of these patients,
canceling surgeries, but we’re not
exceeding capacity,” h e said.
Nationally, the gap between de-
mand and supply of ventilators
could run into the tens of thou-
sands, according to estimates. An
analysis by the Society for Critical
Care Medicine, citing figures de-
veloped for the American H ospital
Association, said U.S. hospitals
have 62,000 full-featured ventila-
tors for advanced intensive-care
units and nearly 100,000 more

with lesser capabilities.
Contrast supply with potential
demand: More than 900,000 pa-
tients may need ventilator care
during the coronavirus pandemic,
the a nalysis c oncluded.
Keeping backup ventilators is
impractical for most hospitals be-
cause of the need to service and
maintain them and train addition-
al staff during rare events when
they are needed, said Lewis Ka-
plan, a trauma surgeon at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania and presi-
dent of the Society of Critical Care
“It’s like taking military planes
out of your boneyard,” he said.
“There can be a variety o f econom-
ic disincentives to be prepared for
the w orst thing that can happen.”
Not all p atients w ould be sick a t
once, so the shortfall may not b e as
dire as it m ay s eem, Kaplan added.
And many coronavirus patients
can be adequately treated with
older models of ventilators or less
invasive modes of respiratory
he lp, he said.
Medtronic, G E Healthcare, Bec-
ton Dickinson and Philips are
among the largest producers of
ventilators for the global market.
Several large manufacturers said
they are increasing manufactur-
ing of medical supplies, including

ventilators, but would not provide
specific n umbers.
“We are taking steps to increase
our manufacturing capacity and
output of equipment that is impor-
tant in the diagnosis and treat-
ment of covid-19 patients,” a
spokeswoman for GE Healthcare
said in a statement.
Competition for supply could
become an issue. With Europe’s
governments placing massive or-
ders, manufacturers also could
face delays in obtaining spare
pa rts because of supply-chain dis-
“A lot of these components for
these ventilators are coming from
other countries overseas, and
some of the parts they need are
creating a little bit of a backlog,”
said Timothy R. Myers, chief busi-
ness officer f or the American Asso-
ciation for Respiratory Care,
which represents health-care
workers who specialize in ventila-
tor t reatment.
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the
National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, confirmed
Sunday the federal government’s
emergency stockpile of medical
supplies contains nearly 13, 000
ventilators. To access those, hospi-
tals are required to ask their state
and local governments, which
th en a sk the federal g overnment to
release supplies.
Secretary of Health and Human
Services A lex Azar said Sunday a t a
news briefing at the White House
that the government has barely
heard from states about tapping
the s tockpile.
“We have received, so far, only, I
think, one request for just several
ventilators,” he said. In contrast to
Fauci’s disclosure that the stock-
pile contains nearly 13,000, Azar
said the number w as not disclosed
for national security reasons.
Foster, of the American Hospi-
tal Association, said requests to
obtain v entilators f rom the S trate-
gic National Stockpile have not
begun because the locations of po-
tential shortfalls are not yet
“It is a wait-until-it’s-needed sit-
uation,” she said. “We don’t know
which communities are going to
be hard hit a t any given time.”
[email protected]

Erin Cox contributed to this report.

More lifesaving ventilators are available, but hospitals can’t a≠ord them

Ventilators, which cost $25,000 to $50,000 per machine, are considered critical to America’s effort to
contain the worst effects of the coronavirus pandemic and avoid a crisis like the one Italy is facing.

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