Online servers run heavily modded
versions of Minecraft that allow you to
play unusual maps or heavily modified
mini -games in la rge multipla yer
groups. Connect to one andyou’ll be
able to play the games they run with
potentially hundreds of people from all
over the world!
On joining a server, you usually en ter
a “hubworld”, which allows you to
sele ct a game by exploring the hu b
and clickin g on it. Watch outfor he lpful
messages andrules that tell you howto
act when you’re there.
Joinin g anonline server is easy, and
you can do it in either the Bedrock or
Java Edition. The servers have to match
the version you’re playing, though,
so pay close attention, otherwise you
might find yourse lf unableto join!
The Minecraft
Server Guide
Play against
real people!
Mostmultipla yer servers AREfree but
because they’re notrun by Mojang, the
creators of Minecraft, they generally allow
you to spend money in the in-game shop.
Here you’ll usually be able to buy game
access passes and/or digi tal content such
as skin s, loot or in-game curr encyspecific
to that server.
Remember, if you DOspend
money, this stuff won’t be
accessible when you’re playing
on any other server or your
normal game. Be careful and
make sure you understand what
you’re buying before you spend
any money – anddon’t do it
without asking permission first!
Visi t strange worlds