Want to try outsome servers but
don’t know where to start? We’ve
picked out afew so you don’t have
to spend ages looking yourse lf!
Addres s: eu.mineplex.com
Version: Java & Bedrock
Easily the largest Minecraft server
arou nd, Mineplex has TONNES
of different areas andzones you
can sele ct from, with thousands
of players using it at any given
time. You’ll find everything from
SkyWars to Minekar! There’s a
shop full of new skin s, ranks and
items, butyou don’t HAVEto pay
anything. If you
get stuck, there
are always staff
members and
helpful players
arou nd to answer
your questions.
If you only play
ONE Minecraft
server, it has to
be this one. And
it’s good for both
the Bedrock and
Java Editions,
so there’s no
excuse for no t
giving it a shot!
Addres s:
Version: Java
If you like
player vs
player ac tion, head to Brawl. Based
on First Person Shooter games, this
server ho sts lots of combat modes,
such as Capture the Flag and Last
Man Standing. Don’t worry if you
die as you can just come back and
keep fighting, making it easy to
improve. There are seven different
modes including a Batt le Roya le
- just make sure you play when
there are plenty of oppone nts.
You can see howmany people are
online by visi ting brawl.com in your
web browser.