Addres s:
Version: Java
If you pr efer to do your Minecrafting
solo, Zero.Minr is for you! This server is
dedicated to puzzle maps, pa rkour maps
and mazes that don’t involve teamwork to
complete or require you to play against
other players. The only competition is
whether you can equal or beat the times
set by others in the map you choose to
beat. It’s not for the easily discouraged –
these maps are often extremely difficult!
- butthey all look amazing andyou’ll have
hours of fun trying to beat them. Easily
one of our favourite servers, and we’re sure
you’ll have a fantastic time with it too!
Addres s:
Version: Bedrock
One of the first servers to partner with
Mojang for the Bedrock Edition, InPvP is
full of mini -games, suchas Survival Games,
Sky Wars, Build Batt le, Money Wars, Block
Hunt, TNTWars, andGuesswork. Asthe
name suggests, these are mostly player vs
player maps, andsometimes it can take a
while to find one that isn’t as king you to
pay money. But once you learn your way
aroundthe hu bworld, you’ll spend hours
enjoying everything on offer! Our favourite
is the beta version of a dungeon simulator,
where you get to explore custom levels and
fight mobs for experience.