As usual, our final pages are reserved for
quickfire questions. Sorry if we didn’t print your
whole letter – we do read them all!
Do you know if more mobs
will be added to the End? - Bob
We don’t know if there are
any plans right now, but it
seems likely that it will happen
at some point! The game is
always expand ing, and it
seems likely they’ll work on the
Nether first as that part has
change d the le ast recently.
How do you get anenchanted
apple? – Joseph
You can’t craft them – the
only way is to find one in a
chest. They can appear in
dungeons, desert temples,
abandoned minesha fts and
woodla nd mansion chests,
so se arching for those is
the best way to get your
hands (or teeth) on one!
When I brew a Potion
of Poison, I end up with a
Potion ofWeakness. Why is
this happening? – Chris
Hmm! How are you
brewing it? To make a Potion of Weakness,
you need to add Nether wart to a water bottle
to make an awkward potion, then add a spider
eye to the awkward potion to make a Potion of
Poison. Follow that recipe and it should work!
Will there ever beanymore enchantments for
Minecraft Bedrock Edition? – Henry
There are three enchantments being added to
the game alongside crossbows, so yes, although
that seems like your lot for now! We’ll tell you if
that change s!
You can get Resistance by
eating an enchanted goldenapple
Did you add
Nether wart?