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Last thing I took from a set
A pair of Uggs. They are gray
and sequined. I know because
I’m wearing them right now.
Last time I was outside
my comfort zone
I feel it with my new job. I’m a
huge fan of Allison Janney, and
I worked opposite her [ in the
upcoming film Breaking News
in Yuba County]. But let me tell
you, there’s nothing more
uncomfortable than being on
Lip Sync Battle. And I lost!
Last time I was starstruck
When I met the Dalai Lama.
I love him so much. People
asked him all these serious
questions. I asked him for a kiss.
Last time I said ‘I love you’
Twenty minutes ago. To my
mommy. Actually I end every
conversation with all my friends
and family with “I love you.”
Last girls’ night out
I was just with four friends
I grew up with in D.C. One of
them is the mayor. It’s so
crazy—we’re adults now. I was
like, “Look, guys, no one’s in jail!
Or married to someone in jail.”
Reported by
Regina Hall
one last thing
Photograph by JAKE CHESSUM
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