
(Joyce) #1
Business Spotlight 3/2020

Up to 17

Could do better
That wasn’t too great. Check
out our Skill Up! booklets
on entertaining and small
talk (see page 53) for
more vocabulary and tips
for looking after business


That’s a great result! You
know exactly how to make a
business visitor feel welcome
in English!


Well done!
You did very well. Have
another go now at the
exercises where you didn’t
get 100 per cent and make a
note of any new vocabulary.


Not bad. But if you want to
get better at looking after
business visitors, try the test
again tomorrow — and the
day after that.



Note: So that you can
compare your language
knowledge across different
areas of business English,
all Business Spotlight tests
have a maximum possible
score of 50 points.


Illustration: Mykyta Dolmatov/


  1. A final word (6 points)

A week after his visit, Sue still hasn’t heard from
Jake. So, she gives him a call. Complete the dia-
logue with the missing words. We’ve given you
the first two letters.

Sue: Hi, Jake. It was good seeing you last week.
I hope you got home safely.
Jake: I did, thanks. The overnight train was per-
fect. I (A) ap everything you
did for me while I was there.
Sue: It was great to have you. I hope we can
do it again soon. As you can probably
(B) im , I’m calling about
your booking.
Jake: Of course. Look, I know I said I would have
the decision on the budget by today, but
I’m (C) af I don’t. I should
have it by the end of the week.
Sue: No problem. If I don’t hear back from you
by Friday, would you (D) mi if
I sent you a friendly reminder?
Jake: Of course not. Actually, I can already
(E) co that we will be
booking the gin tasting at your place — but
maybe now for 100 rather than 80 people.
Could you (F) ha that
Sue: Absolutely! That’s fantastic.


  1. Can I come?
    A. follow (follow up on sth.
    = etw. weiterverfolgen,
    bei etw. nachfassen)
    B. hosting (host sth.
    = etw. ausrichten)
    C. explore = erkunden
    D. suit = passen
    E. know
    F. work (work for sb.
    = hier: jmdm. passen)
    G. get (get back to sb. = sich
    wieder bei jmdm. melden)
    H. hearing

  2. Getting ready
    A. stake (be at stake
    = auf dem Spiel stehen)
    B. impression
    C. background
    D. pride (take pride in sth.
    = auf etw. stolz sein)
    E. trust
    F. rapport (build (a) rapport
    with sb. = ein harmonisches
    Verhältnis zu jmdm. aufbauen)
    G. premises = Betriebsgelände

  3. Hello and welcome!
    A. Could I take your name, please?
    B. How was your trip up?
    C. May I hang up your coat? / May
    I hang your coat up?
    D. Would you like to follow me?
    E. How are you doing?
    F. It’s lovely to see you again.
    G. Have you ever been to this part
    of Scotland before?
    4. Building relationships
    A–3; B–1; C–7; D–6; E–5; F–2;
    5. Short, but friendly
    A. Don’t worry
    B. help yourself = bedienen Sie
    C. Sounds perfect
    D. Please start
    E. No way = Kommt nicht infrage
    F. I insist
    G. Take care = Machen Sie’s gut
    6. A good visit
    A. sophisticated = ausgefeilt;
    hier: fortschrittlich
    B. renowned = berühmt
    C. accommodating = zuvor-
    D. tasteful = geschmackvoll
    E. memorable = unvergesslich
    F. comfortable (feel comfortable
    with sb. = sich bei jmdm.
    G. nice
    H. valued = hier: geschätzt
    7. A final word
    A. appreciate = schätzen, zu
    schätzen wissen
    B. imagine
    C. afraid
    D. mind = etw. dagegen haben
    E. confirm = bestätigen
    F. handle = hier: bewältigen


  • Our Skill Up! booklets offer vocabulary from key areas of everyday business life.
    The second bundle is now available (see page 53).

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