
(Joyce) #1
BUSINESS SKILLS 3/2020 Business Spotlight 43

Illustration: tomozina/

to assume that one’s own mindset and behaviours
are effective enough. You will then focus on getting
things done “in your own way”, identifying the fail-
ings of others when things get challenging. To avoid
doing this, take the time to understand your own
mindset better.

➻ Help to build teams
Working with others is about more than creating
friendships. Whether in a formal leadership position
or simply as a team member, your priority should be
to foster and cultivate a sense of “team”. This means
combining formal activities — clarifying the pur-
pose of the team, defining goals and roles, organiz-
ing people and structures — with the informal tasks
of supporting people, smoothing differences that
threaten to undermine cooperation, helping people
to connect and maintaining team spirit with positive

➻ Influence others through listening
Effective influencing skills — the ability to convince
others to do what “I” need them to do — are the Holy
Grail of soft skills for many people. Yet curiously, few
really understand the mechanisms of influencing. It
is built on our ability to listen and empathize, and
to create the conviction that we are there to enable
others and not to manipulate them. If you want to
become a great influencer, you will need to become
a super listener and super supporter.

➻ Give and receive feedback
The only guarantee that I give my clients about work-
ing internationally is that they will be misunderstood.
As a result, they will frustrate and irritate others and
they will be frustrated and irritated in return. And
this despite the fact that all parties are probably work-
ing “professionally” to achieve the same objectives.
Why is this? Well, people define “professionally”

differently. And when these differences begin to
create problems, rather than engaging in open and
constructive feedback, people complain and play
the “blame game”. The confidence and ability to re-
ceive and give feedback effectively — and to create
a constructive learning environment that smooths
the inevitable misunderstanding — is perhaps the
single most important soft skill to foster in yourself.

  1. International leadership capability
    Over the previous ten issues, Business Spotlight ran a
    special series that looked at the challenges of lead-
    ing internationally. As we discussed, leadership is a
    complex subject involving diverse, and sometimes
    conflicting, approaches and beliefs. Here are four im-
    pulses for your 2020 leadership development.

➻ Increase your contextual intelligence
Almost daily, we get bombarded with new manage-
ment literature describing the behaviours and mind-
set of the perfect leader, which we should aspire to
being. It may sound harsh, but much of this litera-
ture is nonsense. In the end, our style of leadership
should depend much more on a clear assessment of
the specific context. This includes the abilities and
motivations of the individuals concerned, the nature
of the task at hand, the time available and the quality
of work required. Focusing on leadership personal-
ity and related traits that should be displayed in all
contexts at all times is an outmoded way of under-
standing leadership. Learn to assess and lead people
in complex and dynamic contexts on the basis of the
situational needs — not your personality.

➻ Communicate the big picture
One of the most destabilizing phenomena for those
working in a large international organization is un-
explained change. Yet many senior management

assess sb. [E(ses]
, jmdn. beurteilen,
, Beurteilung,
blame game: play the ~
[(bleIm geIm] ifml.
, sich gegenseitig die
Schuld zuweisen
display sth. [dI(spleI]
, etw. zeigen, zur Schau
empathize [(empETaIz]
, sich einfühlen
engage in sth.
[In(geIdZ In]
, hier: etw. betreiben,
sich mit etw. beschäftigen
harsh [hA:S]
, hart
Holy Grail
[)hEUli (greI&l]
, Heiliger Gral
, unvermeidlich
irritate sb. [(IrIteIt]
, jmdn. (ver)ärgern
issue [(ISu:]
, Ausgabe
, überholt
previous [(pri:viEs]
, vorangegangene(r,s)
purpose [(p§:pEs]
, hier: Zielsetzung
smooth sth. [smu:D]
, etw. glätten;
hier: ausgleichen
trait [treIt]
, Merkmal, Charakterzug

Understand that
others might
think differently
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