
(Joyce) #1

LANGUAGE 3/2020 Business Spotlight 49


Exercise 1

pencil cup (all the A.

other things are

writing tools)

file cabinet (all the B.

other things are

used to file loose


Exercise 2

desk traysA.

notepads / memo B.


label printerC.





clear plastic folders H.

pencil sharpener I.

punch(er) / hole /J.

paper punch(er)

document shredder K.

laminators / L.

laminating devices

desk calendars M.

annual planners N.

Other useful vocabulary

On the desk
ballpoint pen refill
[)bO:lpOInt pen (ri:fIl]
, Kugelschreibermine
bulldog clip [(bUldQg klIp]
, Papierklammer, -klemme
clipboard [(klIpbO:d]
, Klemmbrett
crayon [(kreIQn]
, Wachsmalstift
desk calendar
[(desk )kÄlEndE]
, Tischkalender
felt-tip pen [)felt tIp (pen]
, Filzstift
fountain pen [(faUntIn pen]
, Füllfederhalter
glue stick [(glu: stIk]
, Klebestift
highlighter [(haIlaItE]
, Textmarker
ink/stamp pad
[(Ink/(stÄmp pÄd]
, Stempelkissen
letter opener
[(letEr )EUpEnE],
paper knife [(peIpE naIf]
, Brieföffner
paper clip dispenser
[(peIpE klIp dI)spensE]
, Büroklammerspender

pencil cup [(pens&l kVp]
, Stifteköcher
pencil sharpener
[(pens&l )SA:pEnE] , Spitzer
retractable pencil
[ri)trÄktEb&l (pens&l]
, Druckbleistift
rubber band
[)rVbE (bÄnd]
, Gummiband, -ring
scissors [(sIsEz]
, Schere
staple [(steIp&l]
, Heftklammer
staple remover
[(steIp&l ri)mu:vE]
, Entklammerer
tape dispenser
[(teIp dI)spensE]
, Klebebandabroller
writing pad [(raItIN pÄd]
, Schreibunterlage

In the office
annual planner
[)ÄnjuEl (plÄnE]
, Jahresplaner
brochure rack/stand
[(brEUSE rÄk/stÄnd]
, Prospektständer

file cabinet [(faI&l )kÄbInEt]
, Aktenschrank
hanging file cabinet
[)hÄNIN (faI&l )kÄbInEt]
, Hängeregistratur(schrank)
(loose-leaf) binder
[(lu:s )li:f) (baIndE]
, Schnellhefter
magazine file
[)mÄgE(zi:n faI&l]
, Stehsammler
magnetic marker
[mÄg)netIk (mA:kE]
, Pinnwandmagnet
pinboard [(pInbO:d]
, Pinnwand
pinboard pin [(pInbO:d pIn]
, Pinnwandnadel
ring binder
[(rIN )baIndE] UK
, Ringbuch
wall rail system
[(wO:l reI&l )sIstEm]
, Wandschienensystem
wastepaper basket/bin
[(weIst)peIpE )bA:skIt/
)bIn] UK, wastebasket
[(weIst)bÄskEt*] US
, Papierkorb
* This symbol marks US

Exercise 1: Odd one out

Choose the word that does not fit and give the reason why.

A. felt-tip pen / biro / pencil cup / fountain pen

B. binder / file cabinet / hanging folder / file

Did you know?

⋅ In Britain, a “ballpoint pen” is also called a biro.
It is named after its inventor, the Hungarian-
Argentine newspaper editor László Biró.
⋅ Sellotape is a British tape brand. In Britain
and other countries where it is sold, the term
is generally used for any clear adhesive tape.
⋅ Scotch tape is a trademark and brand name of
an adhesive tape produced by the US company

3M. It is often used as a generic term in the
United States and Canada.
⋅ Post-it^ notes, which are yellow, partly adhesive
paper slips, are another trademark of 3M.
⋅ Tipp -Ex (originally a German trademark) and
Wite- Out (first registered as a US trademark)
are correction fluids. Both brands are now
owned by the French BIC Group.

Exercise 2: What do we need?

Liz and Pete are ordering office supplies for
their company. Translate the words in brack-
ets, which are all listed on pages 48–49.

Liz: Fiona from reception needs five
(A) (Ablagekästen)
for incoming mail, some (B)
(Notizblöcke) and a(n)
(C) (Etikettendrucker).
Pete: Mike asks for a(n) (D) ,
(Lineal), a set of (E) ,
(Textmarker) and a(n) (F)
(Hefter) with (G)
Liz: Karen needs (H)
(Klarsichthüllen) in red, blue and yellow,
ten of each colour, an electric
(I) (Spitzer) and a(n)
(J) (Locher). David
from accounting needs a small
(K) (Aktenvernichter).
And he would like to know the price of
(L) (Laminiergeräte).
Pete: And if we order (M)
(Tischkalender) and (N)
(Jahresplaner) now, the office supply
store will give us a discount of
20 per cent.
Liz: Then what are we waiting for?
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