
(Joyce) #1



Pronunciation Business Spotlight^ 3/20

Business Spotlight 3/20

Business Spotlight 3/20

Business Spotlight 3/20

False friends Business Spotlight^ 3/20 False friends Business Spotlight^ 3/20

Phrasal verb Business Spotlight^ 3/20 Phrasal verb Business Spotlight^ 3/20


The first row is pronounced [rEU] and refers to people or
things placed in a line. The verb “row” [rEU] is rudern in
German. The second row, an informal British term for
“quarrel”, is pronounced [raU], as is the verb.

row [rEU] = Reihe; rudern
row [raU] = Streit; (sich) streiten

The pronunciation of tears (first instance) is [tIEz] UK /
[tI&rz] US. The word refers to the drops that fall from your
eyes when you cry. In the second and third instances,
tear is pronounced [teE] and means “pull into pieces” and
“criticize severely”, respectively.

burst into tears [tIEz] = in Tränen ausbrechen
tear sth. / tear sth. (to shreds) [teE] = etw. zerreißen / verreißen

The phrase put in for sth. is used to mean “apply
formally” for something.

put in for sth. = sich um etw. bewerben, etw. beantragen

Ich bin sicher, dass ich mir ihre neue E-Mail-Adresse auf einem
dieser (Papier-)Zettel aufgeschrieben habe.

Slip is wrong here, as it refers to ladies’ underwear, and is
translated as “knickers” (UK), “briefs” or “panties”. The
English word “slip” means a “piece of paper”.

When you go in for sth. (especially a competition or an
exam), you take part in it.

go in for sth. UK = an etw. (einem Wettbewerb) teilnehmen;
etw. (eine Prüfung) machen

“The purpose of this foundation is to preserve his
family’s heritage.”

Don’t say “beware”. If you are told to “beware of sth.”, you
are being warned to be careful of something dangerous
(sich vor etw. hüten/in Acht nehmen).

In this sentence, the abbreviation cps stands for
“characters per second” and is a unit for measuring the
speed of data transmission. In another context, “cps” can
be short for “counts per second” (Zählungen pro Sekunde)
or “cycles per second” (Zyklen pro Sekunde).

cps = hier: Zeichen pro Sekunde

ETX is short for “end of text” character. It is an element
of a computer protocol marking the end of data to be
entered. Another abbreviation from the digital world is
“EOF” (end of file = Dateiende). In emails, one typically
uses “EOM” (end of message = Ende der Mitteilung).

ETX = Ende des Textes
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