54 Business Spotlight 3/2020 LANGUAGE
Pitching your
Meistens hat man nur einen Versuch, um
Unterstützung für seine Ideen zu finden.
Lesen Sie hier auf Englisch, wie Sie andere
überzeugen können.
t can be difficult sometimes to get your ideas
across to others at work. Colleagues and bosses
are often busy, your organization may have other
priorities, and time and resources may be tight.
So, when you do get the opportunity to pitch a
proposal, you’ll want to make sure that others
support you and your ideas. Here, we look at how you
can do this effectively.
As you read the following dialogue, ask yourself what
three things Anna does to get support for her idea.
Anna: Thanks, everyone, for your time today. I’ll
try to keep this brief. As you all know, we’re
facing some staff issues at the moment, and
I have some possible solutions. The main
problem is that people are leaving us at a
faster rate than at any time in the past ten
years. We can’t allow this situation to con-
tinue. We’re losing our key talent.
Sven: Yes, you’re right.
Anna: And it’s taking longer to recruit new people
than we anticipated.
Maria: And even then, it’s taking too long to train
the new people and bring them up to date
with our processes.
Anna: OK, there are a number of problems here.
But the main one is that of people leaving,
and I have a proposal for how to solve this.
Sven: I’m listening.
Maria: Yes, go on.
Anna: Well, we need to understand why people
are leaving and then make some changes
to deal with those reasons.
Maria: But aren’t we doing that already?
Anna: No, not really. There’s no real exit interview
for people before they leave the company.
And if we don’t survey them on why they’re
leaving, then we’re passing up a huge op-
portunity before they walk out the door.
We need to think about what we can learn
and how we can adapt.
Sven: I’m not so sure...
Anna: OK, you might be wondering how we can
be sure people won’t just say negative
things because they’re leaving anyway. I’ll
tell you why: because they have nothing to
gain by not telling the truth. And if we’re
serious about our desire to make positive
changes, then there’s no real reason why
this shouldn’t work.
Maria: I see. You’re probably right.
Anna: The main thing we need to do is to make
sure we don’t lose any more people, or at
least reduce the rate at which they’re now
leaving the company.
Sven: Yes. We really need to do that — and soon.
Anna: And I’ll tell you how. We’re going to do more
regular surveys of all employees to find out
how they’re feeling, what’s going well and
what we can do to improve. After these sur-
veys and exit interviews, we should be able
to identify some patterns. We can then try
to avoid further loss of staff.
Maria: Right, that all sounds like a good plan.
Anna: Great. So, to summarize, I’m suggesting that
we introduce exit interviews for all leavers
and that we carry out regular surveys for all
Sven: I can agree to that.
Maria: Me, too.
Anna: Thanks. I’ll need some time to formulate
the exit interview and survey questions —
and a budget for the implementation and
analysis. I should be able to get back to you
in about a month. After that, we can decide
what action needs to be taken.
adapt [E(dÄpt]
, sich anpassen
agree to sth. [E(gri: tu]
, mit etw. einverstanden
anticipate (sth.)
, (etw.) vorhersehen
brief: keep sth. ~ [bri:f]
, etw. kurz halten
exit interview
[(eksIt )IntEvju:]
, Gespräch beim Aus-
scheiden des Mitarbeiters /
der Mitarbeiterin
face sth. [feIs]
, mit etw. konfrontiert
werden, etw. gegenüber-
get sth. across
[)get E(krQs]
, etw. rüberbringen
get back to sb.
[)get (bÄk tu]
, sich wieder bei jmdm.
, Umsetzung
issue [(ISu:]
, Problem
pattern [(pÄt&n]
, Muster, Struktur
pitch sth. [pItS]
, etw. anpreisen;
hier: (jmdn.) von etw.
recruit sb. [ri(kru:t]
, jmdn. einstellen
summarize (sth.)
, (etw.) zusammenfassen
survey [(s§:veI]
, Befragung
survey sb. [sE(veI]
, jmdn. befragen
tight [taIt]
, hier: knapp
You can try our
exercises on this
topic on Business
Spotlight Audio
as well as in our
exercise booklet,
Business Spotlight
Plus. To order, go
to http://www.aboshop.
is a co-author of Business English
for Beginners A1 + A2 and Basis for
Business B1 + B2 (Cornelsen).
Contact: [email protected]