Perh aps the easiest way to
fi nd diamonds(or at least
diamond ore) is to explore large
cave systems underground.
Obviously, you might stumble
across diamond ore just
embedded in the walls or fl oor,
but what you’re ACTUALLY
looking for are lava lakes.
That’s because lava lakes
gener ate at the same levels
as diamond ore. Once you’ve
found a lake, start carving out
the border arou nd it. You’re
almost guaran teed to fi nd some
diamonds –just don’t slip in!
Diamond ore is
found by lava lakes
are found in
Diamonds are the best material
for making tools and armour,
but they’re also very hard to
fi nd! If you’re trying to get your
hands on some, here are some
foolproof ways...
Diamonds appearin a lot of diff eren t
chests, but the least dangerous ones to
fi nd are in desert temples and blacksmiths
(weaponsmiths after the Village & Pillage
update). Desert temple chests are almost
guaran teed to contain diamonds, as ar e
about one in three blacksmiths chests.
Blacksmiths chests are easy to fi nd if
you can recognise the bu ilding – the one
with slabs aroundthe roof and some lava
built in. De sert temple chests are found
in the pit under the main fl oor. The only
danger comes from the TNT trigger below
the dark blue clay block.
s to find