There’s a handy tutorial here
to build your very own giant
Hulkbuster, andwe don’t need
to be asked twice to have a go
at this one! Anyone can have
a crack at constructing this
delightful Hulkbuster replica,
and why no t? 3D art should
always be as muchfun as
possible. At the end,you’ll
have yourse lf a way to take
down the Hulk wh en he’s in
a particularl y grum py mood,
so building it should be a
top pr iori ty if your na me
happensto be Tony Stark.
In the end, ourtop place went to what is
relatively the simplest build – aQuinjet! This
one’s fromAvengers: Age Of Ultron, made
from iron blocks, blue wool, blue and light
blue stained clay, andblack andlight blue
stained glass. It’s not to scale , but we’re not
too bothered aboutthat. The Quinjet was
shown off to fantastic effect in AOU – the
Discover how to build
your own Hulkbuster!
Perfect for re-enacting those
mighty Marvel battles!
Hulk fl ew off inone at the end,only to end
up on another planet somehow, leading
to one of our favourite MCU ba ttles of
all time –Hulk vs Thor! The Quinjet will
always have a special place in our hearts.