Smooth stone
One of the best parts of any
Minecraft update are the new
blocks! After all, blocks literally
make up the world of Minecraft.
The Village & Pillage update may
be focused on mobs and village
structures, but that doesn’t stop it
from adding new items too.
Part of the goal of Village &
Pillage is to bring all the diff eren t
types of material in line with one
another so similar blocks can be
crafted into similar items.
You can now craft together two
slabs of items to create “smooth”
versions, including smooth stone,
smooth sandstone, smooth red
sandstone andsmooth quar tz
blocks. These look similar to slabs
but aredouble-height.
As part of the
attempt to put
everything in order,
slabs andstairs ca n
now be crafted out
of various diff eren t
stone andstone-
like materials,
so you can use
stone, andesite,
polished ande site,
diorite, polish
diori te, granite,
polished granite,
mossy stone
bricks, mossy
smooth red
smooth quar tz,
red Nether br ick
and End stone
You can also craft walls outof
brick, ande site, diorite, granite,
stone br ick, mossy stone br ick,
sandstone, red sandstone, Nether
brick, red Nether br ick, End
stone br ick and – ourfavourite –
As an exclusive to the Bedrock
Edition, you can also get slabs
made from cut sandstone andcut
red sandstone, so check those ou t
if you want to see something PC
players can’t!
Smooth block
Mossy stone has had
a name change